The Migraine Support Formula is one of the most kept secrets in the medical community; this is mostly because you can’t make a lot of money on the MSF. This may sound unethical but it seems to be true many times. The Migraine Support Formula was developed by a medical professional who was tired of his wife having uncontrollable migraine headaches and suffering everyday with no relief. Hours of research and development went into finding the precise combination of all-natural herbs, vitamins and minerals to help minimize the frequency and intensity of the migraine headache. When compared to acupuncture and prescription medications, the Migraine Support Formula is the safest and by far the most effective long-term. These ingredients are found all over the world and not all of them are found together; yet with the help of these medical professionals, we have all of the parts needed to combat migraine headaches. Below are some of the ingredients and what they do.
This herb is found primarily in Europe but is now inNorth America. Butterbur has the ability to ease head pain and reduce inflammation. This is very important as the trigeminal nerve becomes inflamed during a migraine attacks; this causes 50% of the pain you experience.
Since ancientRome, this herb has been in every physician’s cupboard. It has properties that allow it to sedate an individual for sleep and also works as a muscle relaxer. Valerian can be effective in eliminating two powerful migraine triggers: neck / back tension and stress / fatigue.
Most commonly found in you local grocery store as Ginger Ale, this root extract is used for many intestinal and digestive issues. Yet, within the Migraine Support Formula, it pack a huge punch is squelching nausea, vomiting and indigestion. Ginger is found mostly inSoutheast Asiabut has migrated to most areas now.
Also known as Vitamin B2, Riboflavin is an important component in aiding your metabolism which drives your energy up or down. Unfortunately, we excrete B2 everyday through our urine; therefore we must intake various foods which have a high quantity of Riboflavin such as: milk, cheese, leafy vegetables, almonds, mushrooms, lettuce, tomatoes and many others.
Tags: Feverfew, Ginger, Gingko Biloba, migraine headaches, migraine prevention, Migraine Support Formula, natural migraine treatment, Riboflavin, Valerian, Vitamin B2
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