The long aisles of over-the-counter pain medicines are in every supermarket and grocery store. The list only slightly narrows when someone is looking for a pain reliever for migraines. Each medicine has different active ingredients and different ways of working.
Excedrin Migraine
Excedrin migraine includes three different active ingredients: acetaminophen, aspirin and caffeine. Acetaminophen acts as a pain reliever as well as a fever reducer. Aspirin reduces substances in the body that cause pain, fever and inflammation. The caffeine acts as a stimulant and improves blood flow by relaxing muscle contractions in blood vessels. This medication should be taken exactly as directed on the package with a full glass of water.
Advil Migraine
Advil Migraine is ibuprofen. It works by reducing hormones that cause inflammation and pain in the body. Ibuprofen commonly causes stomach upset, but if taken with food or milk this is greatly reduced.
Tylenol, which is also known as acetaminophen, is said to be effective when treating mild migraine headache pain. However, only take the amount that is recommended. Taking more than recommended will not help, but can cause rebound headaches. The exact way that acetaminophen works is unknown to researchers; however, they do know that it does not work like aspirin. It is rapidly and nearly completely absorbed by the body.
Motrin is a name brand of ibuprofen. Motrin is suggested for use for short-term pain. Motrin should also be taken with food or milk as stomach upset and occur.
Aleve is Naproxen. It is usually used by mild to moderate migraine suffers. Typically this medication is referred to women who are suffering from menstrual migraines. It is also commonly used as a preventative medicine as well as used for immediate migraine relief. Aleve is said to also help with the migraine symptoms excluding nausea and vomiting. Some say that intensifies the effect of these two symptoms.
Overall, there are numerous different over-the-counter medications that say they help with migraines. Many of which also have generic forms. Depending on the severity of one’s headache depends on whether any of these medications can help. It is also important to include a healthcare professional if this is a first time headache or if any of these medications are unable to help. Do not simply just take an extra dose.
Tags: Excedrin Migraine, Ibuprofen, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine relief, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, Migraines, neurological condition, over the counter medication
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