Star Wars is an all-time classic where we see the struggle between good and evil. The movie follows a young Jedi though his personal battle and constant waging his desire to turn over to the dark side. Tragedy after tragedy strikes pulling this young Jedi closer to the edge toward the darkness that seems so fitting based on all he has seen and encountered during his short life. After his life hits another road bump, he makes his choice and surrenders to the darkness closing him off to any feelings other than dark ones.
During the early stages of a migraine, the one wrestling with the inevitable begins the inner battle that wages between good and evil. Loved ones of chronic migraine patients may be laughing at this analogy, but are nodding their head in agreement. Migraine headache have the power to turn the most kind loving of individuals into a dark, helmet wearing, and deep breathing Darth Vader. Migraine pain is intense and long lasting and even those individuals with a high level of pain tolerance often switch over to the dark side and give into the pain.
Staying Strong
Migraine headaches worsen overtime going from bad to severe. The process may take several days but a migraine stack can force grown men and women to admit the pain at times can be unforgiving. Tempers begin to flare, moods change and every little noise penetrates to the core and pushes an individual one step closer toward morphing into an unrecognizable shell of who they once were. Staying strong through a migraine may seem like an impossible feat to those who deal with migraines and migraine sufferers on a regular basis but it is a possibility with right migraine treatment in place.
Migraine treatment is the only method by which one can endure the attacks of a relentless migraine. Migraine treatments can take on many forms therefore it is important that one take his or her time in researching the different treatment options and the variables of each. Turning into Darth Vader due to a migraine is one thing, but dealing with Darth Vader acting crazy due to complications or side effects from prescription medication is a whole different force – one you don’t want to mess with.
Tags: coping, diarrhea, migraine headaches, migraine treatment, nausea, pain, prolonged migraines, sensitive to sight, stress, symptoms, treating migraines, vomiting
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