Whenever you think of getting a massage, what are the first things that come to mind? Rest, rejuvenation, relaxation…all of these do sound nice but what if you are getting a massage to stop the unthinkable from happening? Migraines can destroy many a life by the pain and debilitating symptoms it brings. A therapeutic professional can massage certain muscles to minimize the onsets of the migraine condition. However, you shouldn’t get a deep-tissue or Swedish massage as this will only irritable and prolong the migraine you might already have. The suboccipital muscles run from the back of the head to the middle of the shoulder blades; these are the muscles the therapist will target to minimize the migraine symptoms as neck tension can be a common factor in starting the migraine in the first place.
So What Happens?
Once a trigger like neck tension is experienced by the migraine sufferer, the blood vessels in the head and scalp will begin to expand and enlarge. As they expand, the vessels cause a chemical to be released into the brain which attacks the arteries in the brain causing such intense pain that it can debilitate you for several days. This pain is caused by those vascular issue described above but also from the inflamed trigeminal nerve which becomes inflamed due to the Cortical Spreading Depression. This pain and other symptoms won’t stop until the blood vessels, which started all this, return back to their normal size and viscosity. This process usually last three days or longer depending on whether or not the patient has used a migraine treatment effectively. For this same reason, migraines are at the top of the list of reasons people miss work due to illness.
A Relatively Safe Treatment
The Migraine Support Formula is the safest and most effective migraine treatment on the market today. It has been researched from around the world and the exact ingredients and amounts have been refined into a precise formula to knock out the migraine in you. This formula utilizes a precise combination of all-natural vitamins and minerals with some herbs mixed in to help minimize the intensity and frequency of the migraine and their symptoms.
Tags: blurred vision, dizziness, enlarged blood vessels, head pain, lightheadedness, Massage Therapy, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine symptoms, Migraines, nausea, vomiting
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