Not Another One
For a migraine patient, every day is lived with the constant fear that tomorrow will be a pain filled one. Migraine headaches are not one of those conditions that go away easily or on their own. In order to rid … Continue reading …
For a migraine patient, every day is lived with the constant fear that tomorrow will be a pain filled one. Migraine headaches are not one of those conditions that go away easily or on their own. In order to rid … Continue reading …
Obliviousness is not bliss in fact it can be miserable. For those that are living with chronic migraine pain, living in complete obliviousness could result in a lot of wasted time and wasted life all of which you can never … Continue reading …
Why does everything in life have to be so difficult? It seems as if everything in life is complicated and difficult to handle. When you look at health issues, careers and personal relationships nothing seems simple. Does it always have … Continue reading …
Have you ever had those moments in life where you feel like a social reject? Maybe as a youth, you had those moments when you felt like you would never fit in and everything you tried was just average and … Continue reading …
What are migraines? So often they are very much misunderstood and the individuals who suffer from them are even more misunderstood. Migraines are debilitating forms of headaches that can often lead to the interruption of simple daily tasks in the … Continue reading …
Don’t you hate waiting? When you are anticipating something whether that something is good or bad, it can be difficult to wait for it to get here. Take for instance the reading of test results; the patient spends days if … Continue reading …
Treating a migraine attack can be tricky and must be done so with the correct tools and treatments or nothing but frustration and further health concerns will be had. Those that suffer with chronic migraines long for a cure or … Continue reading …
Those who live in constant migraine pain often fantasize about what life would be like without migraine headaches interfering with everyday life. A migraine headache if left untreated can affect a person’s ability to maintain his or her home life … Continue reading …
As a child, there were many things that comforted us when we were sick, afraid or uncertain. The other day my family took a trip to Magic Kingdom and here in Florida it is spring break and so you can … Continue reading …
For decades, chronic migraine sufferers had very few options when it came to migraine relief. Medical professionals were unable to help their chronic migraine sufferers find relief due to the lack of information known about the chronic condition. Millions of … Continue reading …