Have you ever had those moments in life where you feel like a social reject? Maybe as a youth, you had those moments when you felt like you would never fit in and everything you tried was just average and insignificant. If life is not difficult enough and awkward enough, imagine throwing in chronic migraines on top of life’s difficulties. Chronic migraine headaches are miserable and can last for several days making it impossible for a person to function and rationally think much less get any social time in. What is it about a migraine that causes such misery?
A Migraine itself develops in the brain and causes the brain and body to undergo several physiological and chemical changes. The migraine victim is often left to deal with his or her pain without much success or help from his or her medical physician, therefore the migraine patient is left to journey through life feeling like a social reject. The feelings of rejection stem from the timing of a migraine. A migraine develops slowly and then hangs on for several days. When a migraine is in the early stages of development, it is crucial that a treatment is implemented in order to decrease the chances of spending time alone and away from the outside world.
Emotionally Taxing
A migraine headache and the symptoms it brings can be emotionally taxing. Why? The pain a migraine puts a person through leaves the migraine sufferer hidden away in a dark room left to his or her own feelings and emotions of feeling left alone abandoned and trapped in a migraine nightmare. Plans are often cancelled and family members asked to help during a migraine attack. Symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, cognitive confusion and blurred vision make it nearly impossible for the migraine sufferer to maintain his or her composure during a migraine headache.
Migraine treatment is the only way one can stop such feelings of social rejection and get back to claiming his or her life and the excitement it can bring. Migraine treatments can consist of prescription medication, acupuncture, massage therapy, chiropractic care and or the use of herbal supplements.
Tags: Acupuncture, chiropractic manipulation, Chronic migraine, herbal remedies, Massage Therapy, migraine headaches, migraine treatment, neurological condition, symptoms, treating migraines
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