Obliviousness is not bliss in fact it can be miserable. For those that are living with chronic migraine pain, living in complete obliviousness could result in a lot of wasted time and wasted life all of which you can never get back. Migraine headaches are a miserable thing to have to endure once but to endure them on a continual basis, the mere thought is overwhelming. If you have never had to endure a migraine, consider yourself blessed. A migraine headache is not a joy ride; in fact, the pain can become so severe that those enduring one can actually lose moments of cognitive clarity.
As a migraine develops, the blood vessels in the brain begin to enlarge. The enlarging or expanding of the blood vessels causes a throbbing or pounding sensation in the head, typically felt unilaterally (one-sided) right above the eye. This throbbing / pounding sensation can continue for up to seventy two hours making life miserable the body weak and coherency impossible. During the course of expansion, the blood vessels release a harmful chemical into the brain; the released chemical has one job and one job only – inflict pain. The chemical begins to attack the brains arteries, therefore releasing a whole slew of miserable symptoms.
Symptoms And Treatment
The symptoms of a migraine come in a wave of debilitating pain that can leave a migraine patient incapacitated for several days. The incapacitated migraine victim is often unable to function and misses out on work, family time and social interactions. An oblivious migraine patient is one that is unaware of all the help that is available to him or her is only they would seek it out. No migraine patient should have to live in such misery there are other options.
Migraine treatment is the only effective and reliable way that a chronic migraine patient can receive migraine relief. Migraine treatment is most effective when implemented in the early stages of a migraine. Treatment comes in various forms such as prescription medications and or natural migraine treatments. The following is a list of possible migraine treatments that can be discussed with your primary physician.
- Acupuncture
- Chiropractic Care
- Massage Therapy
- Herbal Supplements
Tags: Acupuncture, chiropractic manipulation, Chronic migraine, Massage Therapy, migraine, migraine headaches, Migraine Medication, Migraine Support Formula, Prescription medication, Throbbing, treating migraines
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