A migraine is defined as a severe or pulsating headache that is often associated with autonomic symptoms that will usually last anywhere from four to seventy two hours. Of course an individual who is dealing with a migraine attack will be suffering from the severe head pain, but unfortunately there are also other symptoms that commonly are related with a migraine such as blurred vision, dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, vomiting, as well as sensitivity to light and sound. Having any or all of these symptoms along with the severe head pain can most certainly place a migraine sufferer out of commission for quite some time and interferes with their daily lives, jobs, friends, and families. For any person who has experienced a migraine attack the most important thing is to find an effective supplemental therapy that will work for them personally.
Treating a Migraine with Supplements
There are many different types of prescription medications that are available for the treatment of migraine headaches, unfortunately while these prescriptions often will relieve the migraine pain and its symptom’s, but only replace it with negative side effects instead. Chronic migraine sufferers should consider the use of supplements as an effective and beneficial supplemental therapy choice. Some of the most commonly used supplemental therapy for migraine treatment are as follows:
- Magnesium. Migraine sufferers usually have a lower level of magnesium when compared to those who do not have migraines. Studies have shown that magnesium can help with the painful symptoms of migraines and thus is an excellent supplemental therapy in providing migraine relief.
- Vitamin B-12. Vitamin B2 is an excellent preventative supplemental therapy because studies have shown that it can decrease the frequency and severity of a migraine.
- Coenzyme Q10. Coenzyme Q10 is found inside the body’s cells and is key to proper function within the cell, it has been shown to have beneficial effects for patients that seek supplemental therapy.
- 5-hydroxytryptophan. This particular supplement is an amino acid that is made by the body from tryptophan; it is then converted into serotonin which is an important brain chemical. Serotonin can reduce the intensity and frequency of migraine attacks by decreasing the constriction and dilation of blood vessels in the brain which can lead to migraines.
Tags: migraine headaches, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, migraine triggers, Migraines, natural treatment, symptoms, symptoms of migraines, Throbbing, vomiting
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