Migraines. The sound of that word for most people doesn’t make them cringe, grimace or run for cover. However, for the few and not so proud, migraines can mess up a simple afternoon alone with a good or catastrophically pulverize your 6 month well-planned family vacation to Disney World; yeah…not a pretty picture to say the least. The reason why migraines have such a immobilizing ability is the intolerable pain. When blood vessels in the brain enlarge, a chemical is released which attacks the area and causes immense throbbing pain. It’s not just a mere headache, here today gone tomorrow; it lingers for 3 full days or more. Migraines are brought on by triggers which are the catalysts or building blocks upon which a migraine is brewed. Triggers are different for each person and while some can be avoided, others cannot. They range anywhere from light, food varieties, uncomfortable smells to humidity, weather changes or even caffeine enriched beverages. So, knowing these triggers can help you and safe guard you from the onslaught of a fierce migraine assault. Yet, when avoiding your trigger doesn’t become an option, a migraine treatment plan is your saving grace.
Stop Poking Me
When searching for a migraine treatment option, please consult your primary care physician as they will direct you to many choices available. One of those options is acupuncture. Having its origin before recorded history, acupuncture has had a wild ride throughout the coarse of history and has evolved from needles made of stone to bronze to gold and silver to, finally, the needles we have today. It kind of makes me laugh to think of a Chinese cave man performing acupuncture with stone needles. But anyway, acupuncture is based on the idea that throughout your body is a flow of energy; if that flow is interrupted, you have medical problem which occur i.e. migraines. Therefore, if you introduce a puncture to specific pressure points or healing points connected to the body part that is ailing, you can realign the flow of energy so to speak and achieve a more peaceful Qi (chee). For years, acupuncture has been a proven migraine treatment for many individuals without the nasty side effects that come with prescription medication.
Tags: headache, Magnesium Citrate, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine relief, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, migraine triggers, treating migraines
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