Living with a chronic migraine sufferer might sometimes feel as though you are living with an award winning actor or actress by the way your loved one carries on. Migraine headaches have a way of bringing out the actor or actress ability in all of us. The reason that migraines are so miserable and painful to endure has to do with the way they are developed in the brain. The process is a slow grueling one that can hang on and last for several days.
What happens is the migraine prone individual comes into contact with a migraine trigger and once the trigger has been encountered the brain begins to experience a chemical reaction. The blood vessels in the brain begin to enlarge as they enlarge they release a harmful chemical into the brain that begins to attack the brains arteries. The attacking of the brains arteries sets off a series of painful and limiting side effects such as nausea, vomiting, constipation, blurred vision and the symptoms only worsen. The throbbing and pounding head pain often linked to migraine pain is the response to the brains blood vessels enlarging.
Only Serious Actors Please
The pain and symptoms that form with a migraine are cause for some seriously dramatic pain. However, migraines do not have to be a monthly tragedy they can have a happy ending. For decades, very little was able to be done about migraines and the debilitating pain they could bring but once new innovative medicines and technology was discovered, several different migraine treatments were able to enter the medical world.
One particular migraine treatment that is relatively new would be the use of triptans to treat migraines. Triptans is a prescription medication that works by constricting or narrowing the blood vessels thus preventing them from enlarging and causing pain. This method was thought to be an effective one till the realization was that the side effects led to heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure – that is something to be dramatic about. So, now medical professionals encourage holistic or natural migraine treatments such as massage therapy, acupuncture and or the herbal supplement Migraine Support Formula.
Tags: Acupuncture, blurred vision, constipation, holistic, Massage Therapy, migraine treatments, Migraines, natural migraine treatments, nausea, Prescription medication, Triptans, vomiting
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