Migraine treatments can be a maze of many different options and ways to rid yourself from the agonizing effects of the migraine symptoms. Most migraine patients choose the ever popular prescription medications which do have an effect of your migraine symptoms but they also bring with them some frustrating side effects which are unneeded and unwanted. I recommend using a more natural or holistic approach to your migraine treatment. This will allow you to minimize the symptoms and occurrences of your migraine episodes as well as keep you safe from things going from bad to worse. These natural treatments could range from massage therapy to curbing supplemental deficiencies. Chiropractic adjustment can be very holistic and effective when combating the migraine condition. Many ailments, not just migraines, have been cured or at least lessened by the consistent use of a chiropractor. Healing can be found in the spine and the free movements of the vertebras; this is why getting an adjustment can minimize the occurrences of the migraine episodes in your life.
Getting Surprised By Triggers
Migraines can be easily triggered by many things both environmental and physiological which can spring up from nowhere. They can be in the light of a bright day to the scent of an older woman’s perfume. It can even reside in something as delicious as chocolate. One of the most frustrating aspects of suffering with chronic migraines is that triggers lurk everywhere and those individuals that are sensitive to migraine headaches often fear leaving their house. No one should feel caged or trapped due to the fear of a migraine developing, this is why we are providing a list of migraine triggers that migraine sufferers can be made aware of so that he or she can do their best to avoid encountering them or if an encounter is made a treatment can be quickly put into effect to avoid long term migraine misery.
- Stress – Work-related or Family-related
- Sleep – one’s sleep habits have much to do with migraines, whether it be: sleep deprivation, too much sleep or broken up sleep they are all connected to headaches. Studies have shown that when sleep habits are improved migraine headaches are less current and have shorter duration.
- Fasting – caution should always be had when headache prone individuals take to fasting. A lack of nutrients to the body can reduce blood sugar levels setting off a series of stress-related hormones.
- Hormones – for women who experience migraines once a month around the time of their menstrual may be aware of menstrual migraines and how they can affect functionality. Some women during their monthly cycle lose estrogen and the loss of estrogen sets off a chemical imbalance and the result is a migraine.
- Lighting – lighting has been known to enhance mood and is often used as a mood enhancer however, flashing, bright high intensity and visually stimulating light sources can be a factor in developing painful migraine symptoms.
- Smells – cigarette smoke
- Alcohol – Tyramine is a chemical found in wine that has been proven to activate a migraine quicker than if no alcohol was used.
- Caffeine – often used to help improve energy levels can have the reverse effect on headache prone people. Caffeine in small doses may have little effect on migraine sufferers but if overindulgence is had one can expect regular migraines.
Preventing Migraines Through Prescriptions
In regards to migraine prescription medication, there is little that a doctor or a medical professional can prescribe. Triptans and Ergots are two newer migraine treatment medications that physicians starting prescribing chronic migraine sufferers. Triptans and Ergots are often prescribed as a preventative migraine treatment. Preventative implies that the medication is taken to reduce the chances of a migraine starting or worsening. Triptans and Ergots were two medications that seemed to be an effective migraine treatment until complaints starting surfacing involving further health problems and health risks such as:
i. Heart Attack
ii. Stroke
iii. Chest Pain
iv. Kidney Failure
One reason that migraine sufferers would feel this way may have something to do with the treatments they have used or that has been prescribed to them to help relieve or ease migraine pain. Triptans and Ergots treated migraine pain by constricting or narrowing the arteries and blood vessels in order to prevent them from swelling and causing intense migraine pain.
Tags: chiropractic adjustments, chiropractic care, Massage Therapy, migraine headaches, migraine tretment, natural, natural migraine treatment, realignment
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