Specific differences or details about certain things can help make the things we want information or more understanding about make more sense. Knowledge is powerful; it can help a person learn more about his or her body, career, education, tasks and migraines if he or she is a chronic migraine sufferer. Migraine headaches are very painful and for those who are not familiar with migraines headaches; they can be dismissed as nothing more than just a terribly painful headache rather than the neurological concern that they are.
Migraine attacks and a headache are two different things and are not related to each other at all. A headache are brief annoyances that can comes on quickly and somewhat out of the blue, whereas a migraine headache takes its time building and send out several preemptive warning signs beforehand. Headaches can be easily treated with over the counter medicines and within a few hours of treatment they dissipate and life resumes. A migraine attack is not easily treated with over the counter medicines and they usually last several days. The pain of a migraine increasingly worsens to the point of which complete loss of functionality may occur for some migraine sufferers.
More Migraine vs. Headaches
Headaches are sporadic pulsating sensations often felt in various places in the head or forehead. When a migraine develops, the pain is unilateral meaning felt on one side and the sensations are described as a throbbing / pounding feeling right above the eye. Symptoms are common place with a migraine and each day the migraine symptoms worsen but for those who are experiencing a migraine no other symptom is had or felt other than the pulsating head pain. Symptoms of a migraine headache are miserable and incapacitating they can last up to seventy two hours and the migraine victim is left with very few options other than to sit and wait it out.
Migraine treatment can be somewhat complex due to the several different choices that could be had. Treating painful migraines must be planned and orchestrated correctly, if any relief is to be had. When contemplating migraine treatment, consider all your options and the safety of each before use.
Tags: enlarged blood vessels, headache, migraine headaches, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, migraine triggers, Migraines, neurological condition, Throbbing
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