Migraines have the interesting ability to seek up and surprise someone. Without cause or warning, WHAM! – you are struck down for the count with a throbbing vascular headache. Migraines are categorized as vascular because they occur when blood vessels in the brain begin to enlarge; this expanding of the blood vessels cause a releasing of a chemical. This chemical attacks the arteries in the brain causing the intense, mind-blowing pain that you experience with a migraine. You can avoid triggers of migraines to help minimize the occurrences; some of the triggers are humidity, dry air, food, alcohol, cigarette smoke, caffeine, weather changes, bright light, neck/back tension or even sleep depravity. Also you can formulate a migraine treatment plan that will help you minimize the frequency but also the intensity of these migraine attacks.
Intense Pain Origin
The intense pain mentioned above comes through the 3rd of four stages of the migraine process. The headache phase is where the migraine takes root and bares down to implement the worst of the headache symptoms on the migraine victim. It is during the migraine headache stage that intense head pain is had as well as the following symptoms:
• Vomiting
• Pounding In The Head
• Nausea
• Diarrhea
• Unilateral pain felt above the eye or in the back of the head
• Expanding nerve pain in the brain
Being able to focus is a tough ability during a migraine attack. Understanding and usefulness of function is limited during this phase. The best form of treatment is silence finding a dark room and putting into action your migraine treatment plan if you have created one.
Had It…Didn’t Know It
For years, little was known about migraine headaches and their causes and even less information was known about migraine treatment, but that all has changed. Professionals in the field of research have now brought new information to light involving migraine headaches and what triggers the onset of one. Recently, medical professionals have been informed on migraine triggers they are better able to educate their migraine patients on recognizing migraine symptoms and triggers. Migraine triggers surround our daily existence and given little if any thought at all. Once a trigger has been encountered, the body begins to undergo a physiological change that alerts the future migraine sufferer that a serious and painful headache is on the way. Preemptive warning signs begin to manifest themselves limiting the window of opportunity to seek out migraine treatment. Most migraine patients believe that their migraines are brought on without any warning and this simply is not true. If only chronic migraine sufferers knew how to listen to their body, they would be able to forecast the oncoming of a migraine headache.
Warning…When Taking Pills
Prescription medication is one of the options for migraine treatment therapy. The most common drugs prescribed are Triptans and Ergots. Triptans and Ergots constrict or narrow the blood vessels thus preventing them from growing. This may sound like the ideal solution to migraine pain; however, it could be very harmful. Close supervision and open communication between yourself and your medical professional should be a constant in order to prevent any irrevocable damage. Once the medication is taken, the migraine sufferer is unable to determine how it will affect the body. The intent may be to constrict the blood vessels in the brain but one of the many side effects associated with these types of drugs is their ability to constrict or narrow the blood vessels that lead to the heart and causing heart attacks, strokes and even kidney failure. It is imperative that if you are a chronic migraine sufferer and thinking about using triptans and ergots as your choice medication that you are healthy and free of any medical concerns as these drug will test your endurance beyond reason.
Migraine Support Formula
If you are still not sold on prescription meds, you can always choose a natural form of migraine treatment. The Migraine Support Formula is all-natural and utilizes a complex combination of herbal supplements, vitamins and mineral compounds to help minimize the intensity and frequency of the migraine attacks and symptoms there-after. Here are two of the ingredients:
• Feverfew – Feverfew is commonly associated with migraine relief due to its natural ability to obstructing the release of blood vessel dilating substances from the platelets that create migraine pain. Feverfew also prevents inflammatory substances from developing and increasing migraine pain levels.
• Valerian – Valerian is a root that has been uncovered as a form of muscle relaxer. The use of Valerian is helpful in reducing stress, anxiety and even insomnia.
Tags: . The Migraine Support Formula, Coenzyme Q10, Magnesium Citrate, natural migraine treatment, Pyridoxine, Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, White Willow Bark Extract
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