Constipation is just about the most uncomfortable topic that you can discuss; communication gets clogged, nothing seems to come out alright and everyone’s attention becomes as hard as a rock. Ok…enough with constipation jokes; on a serious note, it’s just a tough topic to get through. However, despite its grossness, constipation is a very real symptom of chronic vascular headaches. Migraines are called vascular because of how they affect the blood vessels in the brain. When these blood vessels enlarge, they release a chemical into the brain which in turn attacks the arteries within the brain. This irritation causes the immense pain associated with migraine headaches. Other symptoms might include: light sensitivity, noise sensitivity, pallor or paleness which is a loss of hue, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and even loss of concentration or motor skills. These headaches are real; however, as a normal headache only needs some over the counter medicine like Motrin or Excedrin, migraines need more in depth treatments to help relieve their reign over your life. Migraine sufferers really have a fight on their hands; it is no wonder that migraines are the number one reason people call off work sick. There is only two ways to help this predicament: avoid triggers and adhering to migraine treatments.
Migraine Elimination
Triggers can be anything in your environment that catalyzes the onset of a migraine. Triggers complicate life and make seemingly nice experiences into horrible ones. Like going to the beach for example, triggers live very happily here: bright sunlight reflected off the sand, weather changes, smells of salt air or someone smoking; all of these can bring on a migraine that can last for days at a time. Avoid your triggers, if you can but always have a back-up plan. The Migraine Support Formula is a proven migraine treatment that will back you up anytime you need it to. The Migraine Support Formula is comprised of many natural vitamins, minerals and herbs from around the globe. The ingredients in this migraine treatment resupply the body’s deficiencies and give you the best opportunity at defending yourself against a migraine onslaught. Also, do consult with your primary care physician on other methods that may work best for you.
Tags: headache, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headache, migraine headaches, Migraine Medication, migraine relief, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, Prescription medication, treating migraines
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