Those who suffer from chronic migraine attacks may have tried everything they can possibly imagine to find migraine relief and have failed. Chronic migraine sufferers may also be wondering if there is some magical migraine relief pill that is available, or some magic wand they can wave over their head in hopes of finding some form of migraine relief – there isn’t. Sadly, there is no magic wand, and though there has been new information surfacing about prescription medications designed to treat migraine headaches, there is no 100% guarantee.
See, the answer to migraine relief is not in any magic pill or wand but in fact the answer to migraine relief can be found within. Huh? No, this is not a talk on how your spiritual journey can help lighten your pain load, but rather how your lifestyle influences your health and especially the onset of a migraine. Studies have shown that a person’s environment and lifestyle can have a direct influence on the development of a migraine.
The exact cause of migraine headaches have yet to be pin pointed however, medical professionals, researchers and scientist have discovered migraine triggers. Migraine triggers are factors that play a role in the onset of a migraine. Migraine triggers can be both environmental as well as physiological. Triggers are unable to be avoided however, once they have been revealed migraine sufferers can take the needed steps toward preventative migraine treatment. Migraine triggers would include:
- Stress
- Sleep – interrupted, lack of or poor sleep
- Weather Changes
- Hormones
- Foods
- Chocolate
- Wine
- Aged Cheese
- Odors
- Perfume
- Body Odor
- Cigarette Smoke
Triggers such as these cannot always be avoided; however, there are a few simple steps one can make regarding their lifestyle that can help lessen migraine frequencies and migraine durations.
Treatment Plan
A simple treatment plan that encompasses better sleeping habits, wake up time and exercise will help improve not only the occurrences of migraines but can help improve the overall quality of life. Setting a daily wake-up time and bedtime, monitoring nap times, getting out in the fresh air for twenty minutes a day as well as low impact exercises are simple changes to help lessen migraine attacks without the use of medications.
Tags: Acupuncture, chiropractic manipulation, Chronic migraine, headache, low impact exercise, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine relief, Migraine Support Formula, migraine treatment, migraine triggers, neurological condition
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