When you suffer from a condition such as migraine headache, you can’t always do the things you would like to do. Even the simplest tasks can become difficult especially if you are in the Aura stage of a migraine and experiencing the symptom of hallucinations. You see, migraines have the debilitating effect of causing so much head pain that actually lose motor function, balance with extreme vertigo and even cognitive reasoning or concentration. Throughout this article, we will discuss the symptoms and treatments for this world changing illness. Oh by the way, there is no cure for migraine headaches…so read on.
Symptoms To Consider
Once the trigger is encountered, vessels of blood in the brain begin to enlarge and expand in their size and viscosity. This causes a chemical to be released out into the brain wreaking havoc on the arteries and causing immense, unilateral pain in the head with a variety of other symptoms. Some of the symptoms might include: dizziness, vomiting, blurred vision, blindness in one eye, nausea, constipation and even loss of motor function and cognitive reasoning. These and other symptoms will not stop and cease their trouble on the sufferer’s life until the blood vessels that started all of this return back to their original size and position. This relief, since there is no cure, can only be found for the most part in a migraine treatment option.
A Few Treatments
Here are a few of the migraine treatment options out there for the public to utilize:
• Prescription Medication – Triptans and Ergots are the meds that doctors use to combat the migraines in someone’s life. These meds were originally designed to help with blood pressure by constricting the blood from expanding at all. This is fine for those with BP issues but for the rest of us that just want some relief from the migraine we have, it presents a completely different set of side effects that could results in heart attack or even death. Ergots are especially dangerous as they constrict the blood vessels nearest the heart and other major organs.
• Migraine Support Formula – This amazing, all-natural formula is a precise combination of herbs, vitamins and minerals which help minimize the intensity and frequency of the sufferer’s symptoms and migraine attacks themselves. Hours and hours of research was taken to discover these profound ingredients and to displace them into the correct dosages for the best results. After taking this migraine treatment, some individuals have even said it has stopped their migraines all together. Here are a few of the ingredients: Valerian, Riboflavin, Magnesium Citrate, Butterbur, Vitamin B3, Coenzyme Q10, Feverfew and HTP-5.
Tags: Acetaminophen (a.k.a. Tylenol), migraine pain, migraine relief, Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), over the counter medication, treating migraines
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