Roughly 30 million Americans are suffering with migraine pain every day. Women are nearly three times more likely to experience this type of headache than men. Migraines are throbbing headaches, most commonly felt on one side of the head. Symptoms can vary from person to person, but there are some key factors that would indicate you are suffering from a migraine. If your headache is accompanied by more than one of these indicators, speak with your physician, because you are mostly likely experiencing migraine headaches.
Tell-Tale Signs
- Aura – not all migraines are accompanied with an aura. An aura is typically the first indication that your body provides prior to the start of a migraine. Auras may include visual, auditory and sensory changes. Some examples include tunnel-vision, temporary blindness, buzzing or ringing sound in ears, confusions, heighten sense of smell or even a feeling of overall weakness in the body.
- Depression – Women are four times more likely to experience depression in relationship to their migraines than men. Depression is a result of feelings of isolation and inadequacy due to inability to participate in regular activities because of chronic migraine pain and discomfort.
- Disruptive Sleep-Fatigue is a common symptom for migraine sufferers; however, lack of a deep restful sleep can indicate more and be the culprit of the chronic fatigue. When migraine pain strikes in the evening hours, it is difficult to relax and drift away into a deep rest cycle, leaving the body exhausted and in need of more sleep.
- Throbbing Pain (on one or both sides of the head) – Pulsating pains, most commonly felt around the temples. Some describe the pain as a splitting, weighted pressure against their head or the feeling of something pushing outward.
- Eye Pain – Often referred to as an “eye headache” this pain makes it difficult to move eyes in any direction. Once this pain begins, the only option is to close eyes and lie down in a dark place to rest. Frequent quick movements can only intensify these feelings.
- Neck Stiffness or Pain – reduced range of motion or severe muscles tension in the neck and shoulders are often felt prior to a migraine. Some believe that this tension may be part of the trigger causing the migraine. As a result of this stiffness or pain, neck and shoulder muscles can often become weaker, making them even more susceptible to tension and stress.
- Frequent Urination-Many people experience an increase in their need to urinate up to an hour prior to the onset of a migraine. Doctors are not exactly sure why this is, but several studies have shown a slight or significant increase in the number of trips to the restroom prior to an attack.
- Nausea-The nausea often felt before, during or after a migraine episode is mainly a result of other symptoms on the body. For example, eye pain or blurred vision may leave you feeling dizzy which can cause feelings of nausea or even vomiting. Laying still and placing a cool compress over the area where pain is felt can help alleviate this symptom
- Light and Sound Sensitivity-If loud sounds or bright light (natural or artificial) can leave you screaming for cover, you may be dealing with migraines. Often times, in a work environment, the use of fluorescent light bulbs can trigger a migraine attack. If you work in a loud work environment, you may need to speak with a supervisor about alternative placements to help reduce these triggers. Having a dark, calm and quiet place will help calm this trigger and settle migraine pain.
- Blurred or Double Vision – Some people experience blurred or double vision prior to or during an attack. This change can be a result of pressure building in the base of the skull and may lead to feelings of eye pain and cause balance and coordination issues.
Seeking Support
Regardless of the symptoms you are dealing with, it is important to seek advice and treatment from a licensed physician. While there are alternative and non-drug treatment options, your doctor needs to help you make an appropriate plan for dealing with your migraines based on your symptoms, frequency of episodes and your overall health.
Tags: Drowsiness, migraine headache, migraine symptoms, migraine triggers, migraine warnings, Mood Swings, preemptinve warning sign
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