When you are suffering from the chronic syndrome of migraine vascular headaches, you have to be conscientious of the places you go and the events you participate in as these things may cause the frequency of your migraine attacks to become more often. For example, if the trigger for your vascular headache to occur is loud sounds, then don’t go to a rock concert or basketball game and better yet a launching of the space shuttle at Cape Canaveral. You see, triggers are things you can experience which are usually environmental or physiological in nature. They can pop up at any time and though you would like to avoid them, it nearly impossible to miss them one hundred percent.
Knowing What Triggers You
While the causes of migraines will vary widely among individuals, the most common triggers include; hormonal, chemical, dietary, behavioral, or environmental factors. Keeping a log of events that happened, food that were ingested, stress factors, or other environmental factors that might have taken place prior to the onset of the migraine are also useful when trying to find a migraine treatment. Knowing these factors can often lead to pinpointing the possible causes in order to help with avoidance of the migraine in the future. Migraine sufferers can also avoid certain trigger foods, regularly obtain adequate sleep, and learn certain behavioral techniques in order to help prevent the onset of migraines or at least help to lessen the severity of the migraine once it begins.
Alternative Therapies
There are a number of alternative treatment options that can help minimize the frequency and intensity of the migraine symptoms and attacks. Here are a few of them:
1. Acupuncture – Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice that involves the insertion of very fine needles into certain points of the body and has been proven as a very effective migraine treatment. Studies have shown that acupuncture is useful as an additional management or acceptable alternative in regards to pain management.
2. Biofeedback – Biofeedback is a legitimate management for pain and has shown great results for long term relief in migraine treatment.
3. Chiropractic – Studies have shown that in the case of tension and migraine headaches, manipulative therapy can be as effective as preventative medications in helping to keep off the onset of migraines. Once a migraine has begun, chiropractic therapy can also greatly reduce the painful symptoms if care is given in a timely manner.
Tags: constipation, Depression, emotional stress, Fatigue, migraine triggers, strange food cravings, triggers
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