Migraines cannot relieve themselves; they need assistance and though avoiding migraine triggers is a nice thought it is not always possible so a treatment option has to be in place. The following is a list of treatment options that a migraine patient can review and discuss with his or her doctor.
• Prescription Medications
• Holistic / Natural Treatments
o Acupuncture – The ancient Chinese remedy that utilizes small needles inserted into key trigger/pressure point along the body. As these spot are agitated, they are said to remove the blockades of the flow of energy which gives health and life to the individual.
o Herbal Supplements – These are found in the amazing Migraine Support Formula.
o Chiropractic Care
o Massage Therapy – by professionally and carefully lowering the neck and back tension of a migraine sufferer, you can drastically reduce the occurrences of a migraine attack due to the tension being a well-known trigger site. The sub-occipital muscle group will be the ones focused on during you therapy. Caution should be paid as a deep-tissue or Swedish massage will only prove to cause more problems and could even intensify the migraine attack.
Not A Normal Option
Treating migraines can be done through various forms and methods. One of the most common forms of treatment is the use of prescription medications but medications are not the only treatment options available. There is one treatment option that is often overlooked but should not necessarily be ruled out, Migraine Surgery.
Migraine surgery has been a treatment option for those individuals who simply do not respond well to medication and feel that their quality of life is habitually hindered as a result of their migraine headaches. Deciding to undergo migraine surgery implies that a surgical cauterization of the superficial blood vessels in your scalp will need to be had in order to limit and possibly remove all signs of migraine pain forever. However, before the surgery could happen, a doctor must first determine with absolute certainty that it is indeed the superficial blood vessels causing the intense migraine pain before operating.
If lifestyle changes don’t help and you don’t want to dabble in surgery, you can always try avoiding the triggers of a migraine attack. These triggers are primarily physiological or environmental in nature and can be any of the following:
• Alcohol
• Stress – whether it be physical or emotional
• Not Eating – skipping daily meals
• Emotional Sobbing
• Odors – perfume, smoke or body odor
• Certain foods, such as aged cheeses, chocolate, nuts, some fruits (like avocado, banana, and citrus), foods with monosodium glutamate (MSG), onions, dairy products, meats containing nitrates (bacon, hot dogs, salami, cured meats) fermented or pickled foods
• Loud noises – Car horns, bass amplifiers
• Caffeine
• Fluctuations in hormones (for example, pregnancy, before and during your period, and menopause)
• Bright lights – flashing, sunlight, strobe
• Medications
Who knew that sleep was so valuable? Sleep plays a vital role in the onset of a migraine headache. Quality and adequate sleep time are deterrents of a migraine attack. If you have ever suffered from a severe migraine attack you know the amount of pain and limitation one can have on an individual and that sleep is difficult in the midst of a migraine attack. Taking the time to perfect snoozing habits will help reduce the effect migraines can have on yourself.
Personally, I suffer from weather triggered migraine headaches and right now, we want to briefly go over the role weather can play on migraines occurrences. Changes in the weather such as the ones mentioned below are thought to create a chemical reaction in the brain that sets the serotonin levels off balance bringing about a painful migraine headache. Chronic migraine sufferers often note an increase in migraine activity during weather and climate changes. Research on the weather and its direct influence on migraines is still under research, therefore it is suggested that migraine sufferers keep a headache journal noting which weather changes bring on migraine headaches and symptoms. Weather related migraines are often noticed when the following changes occur:
• Barometric Changes
• Mostly Bright Sunshiny Days
• Rainy Weather
• Hot and Cold weather changes
• Dry Air
• High Humid Air
• Windy weather can trigger migraines due to the wind changing the pressure in the ears
Tags: constipation, Depression, emotional stress, Fatigue, migraine triggers, strange food cravings, triggers
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