Staying ahead of the game is the best way to make sure you win and do not get trampled on. When it comes to migraine headaches, the goal is to stay one step ahead. Migraine headaches affect more than twenty million men and women each year. Migraine attacks bring about several debilitating symptoms that can leave a person out of commission for several days. Much about chronic migraines still remains a mystery however there are several insights we do have on the topic.
One insight we do have on migraine involves common risk factors for being a susceptible candidate for reoccurring migraines. Migraine risk factors increase one’s likelihood of suffering relentlessly with ongoing migraines. Migraine risk factors include:
- Age – 15-55 is the magical numbers, or in this case the painful ones. Children who experience migraines often grow out of them.
- Gender – if you are female and between the ages of 15 – 55 you have two strikes against you. It seems as though female’s make up the majority of migraine sufferers mainly due to the fluctuation of hormones experienced once a month.
- Family Genetics – studies have shown that those who have a family history of chronic migraines are more prone to them as well.
- Medical History – a long medical history such as high blood pressure could play a role in chronic migraines.
Treatment Options
Reducing ones risk of migraines would include aging, changing ones gender and hormone make-up all of which are genetically impossible; therefore the only approach to reducing migraine risks would be through an effective migraine treatment. Migraine treatments vary from simplistic to complex it is important that the migraine sufferer seek out professional medical advice before attempting to treat self. Migraine treatments if not carefully monitored could lead to serious health concerns especially if the treatment method is a pharmaceutical one.
Treating migraines with acupuncture, chiropractic care and supplements can be just as effective as the use of prescription medication. It is important that the migraine sufferer take his or her time in researching each medication and the side effects associated with them before use. To avoid all the drama that can come with medication migraine treatment options could include a supplemental product such as Migraine Support Formula or massage therapy both are a safe and effective options.
Tags: Chronic migraine, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine relief, migraine risk factors, Migraine Support Formula, Prescription medication, treating migraines
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