few triggers that may ignite a migraine into full blown chaos. By definition, a migraine trigger could be predisposed by a person’s surroundings or by any physiological change that may lead to a migraine attack. The most common triggers to look for when searching for a migraine treatment are as follows:
• Lighting – certain lighting such as flashing, bright, high intensity, or stimulating light sources have been known as triggers to migraines.
• Stress – For migraine sufferers it is vital that stress management become a learned trait as stress can more often than not become a very easy trigger for a migraine attack to take place.
• Alcohol – For those who suffer from migraines, alcohol can often trigger a migraine. As hard as it be, sobriety is the best way ward off migraines if this is your warning trigger.
• Hormones – This is especially true when a migraine sufferer is female. The quantity of estrogen in the blood stream peaks during a woman’s period and this can cause a specific type of migraine called a menstrual migraine.
• Caffeine – Too much caffeine in those who are prone to migraines has been known as a trigger. This can also count for the reverse of the coin.
• Certain Foods – Such as aged cheeses or chocolate are known migraine triggers. This is because of the chemical makeup of those foods.
• Smells – A common smell that seems to be a trigger to migraines is cigarette smoke.
Treating With Prescriptions
For a simple and common headache any person can reach for a bottle of over the counter medication such as Advil, Aleve, Ibuprofen, or Excedrin. However for the more severe migraine attack these types of over the counter medications will not even begin to touch the symptom relief needed for migraine treatment. Prescription medications as one might believe can only be given out by a certified physician. The most crucial thing people should be more conscience of when looking for a migraine treatment option is any and all side effects (most than likely negative) that are allied with each kind of prescription drug used in a migraine treatment prospectus.
Tags: constipation, Depression, emotional stress, Fatigue, migraine triggers, Migraines, natural migraine treatment, prescription medications, strange food cravings, triggers
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