For many migraine sufferers, it can be difficult to even know if you have the disease as the symptoms for migraines can be common in a number of other side diseases as well. Some people don’t want to know yet it is always recommended to get the knowledge so that you can better fight the condition and fight it off effectively. Here are a couple of the questions you should ask yourself if you think you might have migraines:
1) Do I have head pain lasted for more than 3 hours on one side of my head?
2) Do experience a number of other symptoms like depression or diarrhea before the head pain occurs?
3) Am I fatigued after the head pain has dissipated?
By answering yes to these questions, you can have a better idea of your situation and you might want to check with your primary care physician to get a list of migraine treatment options as they are the only way to stop the condition.
Dodge The Trigger
Through the research that was had it seems as though migraines could be triggered by physical and environmental upsets. Possible migraine triggers would include the following:
« Sleep – lack of sleep, too much sleep or interrupted sleep
« Weather – change or drop in barometric temperature
« Foods – aged cheese and chocolate have been known to cause a migraine attack
« Flashing Lights
« Hormones – a fluctuation is estrogen could set a migraine into motion, hence why more women suffer from chronic migraines than men
« Smells – certain smells such as perfume, body odor or cigarette smoke
Trying to avoid migraine triggers is not always possible so the best approach would be to uncover a migraine treatment.
Unconventional At Best
Supplements for years were considered only to be used by those unconventional individuals who were against modern medicine. However, recent studies have shown that supplements can actually be used alongside modern medical treatment in order to aid in further relief from certain conditions. One such condition is most certainly the migraine headache. The most commonly used supplements for migraine treatment are Magnesium, Vitamin B-12, Coenzyme Q10, 5-hydroxytryptophan, Feverfew, Ginko Biloba, Butterbur, Ginger, as well as Valerian. All of these separate supplements have been proven in studies to aid in both the prevention as well as in some cases eradication of the migraines individuals suffered completely. As one can imagine each of these supplements can provide a certain amount of relief on their own accords, however further studies have been completed that show it is not only safe to combine these supplements but often times much more beneficial to the individual when combined for complete relief.
Tags: headaches, migraine attacks, migraine treatment, Migraines, side effects, symptoms, treating migraines, vascular headachce
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