This is the final stage of the migraine process and can be a bit of a drag as you think the migraine symptoms are subsiding whereas they are not. You will feel fatigued, have nausea or vomiting and even weakness in muscles and joints. Most people experience this stage and it can be help by one of the ingredients in the Migraine Support Formula. Ginger root can be effective in calming most any gastrointestinal issues such as nausea or vomiting. It is most commonly found in the product known as Ginger Ale.
Headache Stage
This stage is experienced by almost 90% of chronic migraine sufferers and is the reason most people are aware that migraines even exist. The pain endured in this stage is unilateral, meaning it is concentrated to one side of the brain / head. There have even been studies that have shown the tie-in between Cortical Spreading Depression and the onset of migraine pain. One of the herbal supplements that can relieve some of this pain is called Butterbur. Butterbur can help reduce swelling and inflammation, plus it has the distinct ability to relieve pain through natural means. This plant can normally be found in and around marshes or wetland areas.
Aura Stage
Only about 15% – 20% of chronic migraine sufferer ever experienced the horrors of this rare stage. In this stage, you could experience: blurred vision, zigzag vision, black spots, vertigo, dizziness, temporary blindness in one eye and even hallucinations. This stage usually occurs hours or minutes before the headache stage. Gingko Biloba to the rescue! This herbal miracle is not only safe and effective to use but can actually help improve your mood and outlook on life. Ginkgo does this by increase the serotonin levels in the brain; this will help concentration and focus, increase memory and cognitive reasoning, plus it works as an anti-vertigo agent. Ginkgo Biloba is the all-natural happy pill for life.
Prodrome Stage
Being the first stage and having some many diverse symptoms, it is easily looked at as another illness other than migraine headaches. With about 50% – 60% of the population going through this stage, you must be aware of your symptoms in this stage as they will warn you of the impending doom of another migraine.
Tags: aura, headache, migraine stages, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, postdrome, prodrome
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