Migraine triggers are factors that play a role in setting the stage for a migraine to debut. The problem with migraine headaches are that they are never content with being in the background, when a migraine headache takes the stage you can rest assure that they will play a leading role in the upsetting on one’s normal functionality and daily schedule. Migraine triggers can both environmental and physiological. Migraine triggers are not always avoidable therefore daily coming and goings can be closely associated with the game of chicken.
The game of chicken can be played several ways throughout a person’s development. As children, the game often looks like a challenge between two little preschoolers facing one another on a straight line, each start walking toward each other trying to force the other to step off the line first. In adolescents, the game is often played on bicycles with two bikers cycling towards one another daring the other to turn right or left while the other goes straight. When dealing with migraine triggers, the day that one ventures out of their environment into another; they run the risk of hitting a migraine trigger head on.
Face It
Sadly, most migraine triggers go unnoticed making it impossible for the migraine prone individual to make the decision to turn right or left, they have no option but to face it head on once the migraine begins to formulate. Migraine headaches take several days to fully develop once a migraine trigger has been encountered. The migraine treatment options narrow further into the migraine development therefore it is imperative that migraine prone individuals seek out professional medical advice before attempting migraine treatments that are not holistic in nature.
Migraine treatment is a valuable asset to those who do not have the ability to sit a migraine out in the comfort and solitude of their own home. There are several different approaches and methods to treating migraines. There is a pharmaceutical approach where the prescribing of medications can be done by a medical professional or the holistic herbal remedies approach that is safe and side effect free. Holistic and Herbal approaches would include any of the following methods:
- Acupuncture
- Chiropractic Manipulation
- Therapy
- Physiotherapy
- Massage Therapy
- Supplements
Tags: Acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments, Chronic migraine, Feverfew, Ginger, Gingko Biloba, Magnesium Citrate, Massage Therapy, Migraine Support Formula, migraine treatment, migraine triggers, treating migraines
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