Ever heard the phrase, “Draw a Line in the Sand.”? It means that there are two sides to the discussion, the fight, the war. When in the fight for relief from migraine symptoms and occurrences, there is a line that has been drawn by those who believe prescription medication is the way to go while others hold to a more holistic or natural approach to treatment. So throughout this article, we will look at the problem with migraines as well as the factors of division when it comes to treating this incurable condition.
One Way To Treat
The Migraine Support Formula is a natural formula thus making it a safe supplement that can be taken every day to help with the prevention of migraine headaches with no adverse side effects that are commonly associated with other migraine treatments such as prescription medication. This formula contains only the natural ingredients that have shown through clinical studies to be the most effective in treating migraine symptoms. The natural ingredients found in the Migraine support Formula are:
- Butterbur
- Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
- Magnesium Citrate – As it is water-soluble, this compound can be extremely effective in the prophylaxis of migraine headaches when accompanied with Riboflavin and Coenzyme Q10. Even by itself, Magnesium Citrate is a superior laxative which lessens the migraine symptom of constipation.
- 5 – Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP)
- Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
- Gingko Biloba – Found in the exclusive migraine treatment option, the Migraine Support Formula, Gingko Biloba has been used for thousands of years and is quite possibly one of the most well-known herbal remedies that can be found. In fact, Gingko Biloba is one of the top selling herbs in the United States! Gingko Biloba is a powerful antioxidant and is known partly because of its ability to help improve the blood circulation in both the body and the brain. It can help with memory recollection and focus/cognitive abilities. After clinical studies were done on the use of Ginko Biloba as a treatment for migraines, information was returned stating that migraine attacks were drastically reduced because of the use of Ginko Biloba. It can even help with the symptom of extreme vertigo and dizziness.
- Feverfew
- Coenzyme Q10
- White Willow Bark – This ingredient is the primary force behind the ever popular heart medicine known as Aspirin. The chief ingredient is Salix or salicin which come from the white willow tree’s bark and extracted there. Yet when it pertains to migraine, Salicin has the ability to be an amazing anti-inflammatory which can help reduce the stress and inflamed nerves in the brain and begin to stop the swelling. This will also as a result reduce the pain felt by the sufferer.
- Ginger
- Valerian – This herbal supplement has been used for centuries as a medicinal sleep aid. Valerian tea is a very common method by which to ingest the herb’s benefits. Valerian has also been proven to help with anxiety, depression and insomnia.
- Water-soluble Riboflavin
The Other Way To Treat
There are multiple migraine treatment medications available. Some medications will be used as preventative measures, the most common form of preventative migraine treatment are prophylactic medications. The use of prophylactic medication it is not as effective when taken once a migraine has already developed, but it can be somewhat helpful in reducing the reoccurrences of migraine headaches. A few examples of Prophylactic medication are Beta Blockers, Calcium-channel Blockers, TricyclicAnti-depressants, Anti-serotonin Agents, as well as Anticonvulsants. Prescription medication, while often necessary, should be one of the last treatments tried in helping to relieve migraine symptoms. Prevention is always the key, however, once a migraine has begun medication is sometimes the only way to stop the agonizing pain in a quick manner is with the use of medication. Some of the most common classifications of medication used in migraine treatment are:
- Triptans
- Over The Counter Medications – These are fine for normal run-of-the-mill headaches but not for migraines because they will not stop the symptoms and don’t even get close to minimizing the pain
- Vasoconstrictor combinations
- Ergots – These can especially dangerous as they don’t just constrict the blood vessels that may start a migraine headache but they constrict the blood vessels to major body organs like the liver and heart. This constriction has the potential to cause a stoke, heart attack or even death.
Tags: . The Migraine Support Formula, Coenzyme Q10, Magnesium Citrate, natural migraine treatment, Pyridoxine, Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, White Willow Bark Extract
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