What is a migraine? What effect does a migraine have? Why is it that the body is unable to function while undergoing a severe migraine attack? What causes migraines? How can I prevent more migraines? These are all great questions and questions that chronic migraine sufferers desire to know. The problem is that though these may be great questions the answers to the questions do not fully exist. Migraine headaches are one of life’s many mysteries and the revelation or big reveals take time.
Medical professionals along with scientist and researchers have strived hard to find answers to questions regarding migraine headaches, their causes, treatments and even their development but have come up empty handed on several different fronts. What medical professionals, scientist and researchers have discovered has been shared and can help reduce migraine frequencies, duration and even intensity if known. A migraine is a neurological condition that causes the body to undergo several physiological changes. The reason that the body goes through a change during a migraine outbreak has to do with the way a migraine headache is formed.
Chemical Changes
Migraines are formed in the brain and they cause a chemical reaction as they develop. The process is a little confusing so I will do my best to simplify it. A Migraine headache begins formation when a migraine trigger has been encountered. The trigger creates an upset to the body which the causes the blood vessels in the brain to expand. The expanding of the blood vessels could take several days; the growing of the blood vessels in the brain causes intense pains in the head such as throbbing or pounding.
As the blood vessels in the brain expand, they release a harmful chemical into the brain to attacks the brains arteries. The attacking of the arteries sets off a series of miserable symptoms that could last several days and leaves a poor migraine sufferer incapacitated throughout the process. The chemical changes that occur in the body pull the body’s energy levels out from underneath him or her and cause the migraine sufferer to feel as if he or she has run a marathon physically, emotionally and even mentally. With no known migraine cure, the only way for a migraine victim to get the help he or she needs is through migraine treatment.
Tags: Chronic migraine, enlarged blood vessels, headache, migraine attack, Migraine releif, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, Migraines, neurological condition
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