Migraine headaches are not just intense headaches; migraines are a chronic neurological condition that can cause an actual physiological change in the body. How? When blood vessels in the brain begin to enlarge, they release chemicals; the chemicals released by the enlarged blood vessels plague the arteries in the brain causing debilitating migraine symptoms to occur. Migraine symptoms have been known to last for several days making I nearly impossible to function at a normal level of productivity.
Migraine symptoms can differ from migraine sufferer to another, but when talking to chronic migraine sufferers you may often hear the following symptoms mentioned as they describe the pain they endured during their migraine attack.
- An intense throbbing or pounding feeling felt on one side of the head
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Paleness or loss of facial color
- Diarrhea
- Sensitivity to light and sound
Knowing the different symptoms associated with migraine headaches can help prepare the migraine patient for what he or she is about to endure over the next several hours or days. Migraine symptoms can be lessened if migraine triggers are avoided.
Though many causes of migraine headaches are still unknown, there are several migraine triggers that are known. Migraine triggers are things that set off or encourage the onset of a migraine and if an individual becomes familiar with what triggers his or her migraines and avoid those triggers, fewer migraine attacks would be had. Migraine triggers are not the same for every person so take time to read the list carefully and become familiar with which ones might trigger your particular migraines; chart them and then avoid them.
- Stress
- Sleep Patterns
- Fasting
- Hormones
- Lighting
- Smells
- Foods
It may be unrealistic to avoid every migraine trigger mentioned; however, being made aware of the triggers can help the patients start migraine treatment before the migraine has time to develop.
Treating migraine headaches can be done effectively in any number of ways but the important thing is to treat migraine headaches safely. There are several migraine treatment options that do not require the use of prescription medication such as:
- Chiropractic Manipulation
- Physiotherapy
- Massage Therapy
- Acupuncture
- Migraine Support Formula
Treating migraines with natural alternative such as herbal supplements can be just as effective in relieving migraine symptoms as prescription medication. Clinical studies have shown that by treating migraine headaches with natural ingredients one can actually reduce the occurrences of migraine headaches.
Tags: Acupuncture, chiropractic manipulation, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, Migraine Support Formula, migraine treatment, physiotherapy, treating migraines
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