Caution should always be had in regards to seeking out a migraine treatment, any treatment really. However, the pain of a migraine often blinds a person to using sound judgment when seeking out a safe and effective migraine treatment. A migraine headache can develop for any number of reason most of which have yet to be uncovered; so once a migraine is on the brink of breaking through, the chronic migraine sufferer needs to have a plan in place.
Why is it so important that a migraine patient have a treatment plan in place once a migraine develops? The reason that having a migraine treatment plan already in place is so important has to do with the length of time a migraine takes to fully run its course. The longer a migraine takes to fully run its course the longer a migraine patient is out of commission and unable to participate in his or her normal functions. Treating a migraine headache is where many migraine sufferers go wrong. Many individuals that are new to migraine headaches may make the mistake of using over the counter medications such as Tylenol, Advil, Excedrin Migraine and Motrin to treat their migraine pain but medications such as these will prove to be ineffective at relieving the pain associated with a migraine attack.
Something Stronger
Using over the counter medications such as the ones listed in the above paragraph will do very little in the head pain relief department. It is important that caution is taken when using any type of medication; it is wise and advised that the recommended dosage be followed to avoid any stomach complications. To treat migraine headaches effectively the talk of prescription medications may arise amongst the patient and his or her doctor. Prescription medications such as antidepressants, blood pressure pill and triptans may be prescribed to a migraine patient.
Prescription medications do come with their adverse side effects such as depression, anxiety and even health complications, but for a healthy individual in need of migraine relief prescription medications might be the treatment plan for them.
Tags: Advil, antidepressants, blood pressure pill and, Chronic migraine, Excedrin Migraine, Migraines, Prescription medication, treating migraines, Triptans, Tylenol
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