When the pain of a migraine reaches a climatic point the migraine sufferer will do just about anything to find some form of relief. In their desperate need for relief from intense migraine pain the migraine patient may make the mistake of giving in to a non-safe method of treatment which could potentially led the patient down a road of further complications.
Migraine Surgery
Migraine surgery has been a treatment option for those individuals who simply do not respond well to medication and feel that their quality of life is habitually hindered as a result of their migraine headaches. Deciding to undergo migraine surgery implies that a surgical cauterization of the superficial blood vessels in your scalp will need to be had in order to limit and possibly remove all signs of migraine pain forever. However, before the surgery could happen, a doctor must first determine with absolute certainty that it is indeed the superficial blood vessels causing the intense migraine pain before operating.
Trigger Sites
There is reason to believe that by the removing of muscles or nerves in certain areas that are considered trigger sites could be helpful in relieving migraines. Trigger sites are said to exist where sensory nerves are stimulated by a certain muscle, due to the stimulation caused by the muscle a series of painful symptoms begin to develop thus creating a migraine. Migraine surgery such as this one is not often considered as a migraine headache treatment plan unless no other form of migraine treatment is providing the needed relief to improve quality of life.
Prophylactic Medication
The use of prophylactic medication can be somewhat helpful as well in reducing the reoccurrences of migraine headaches. Prophylactic medicine is taken daily as a preventative medication. Prophylactic medication is not effective when taken once a migraine has developed its job if to help reduce migraine frequency not the pain associated with migraines. A few examples of Prophylactic Medication are:
• Beta Blockers
• Calcium-channel Blockers
• Tricyclic Antidepressants
• Antiserotonin Agents
• Anticonvulsants
Speak with your doctor about prophylactic medication and if whether or not he or she feels you would make a good candidate for prophylactic medication treatment.
Tags: migraine headaches, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, migraine triggers, Migraines, natural treatment, symptoms of migraines
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