The cure for migraine headaches is like the Holy Grail. Many search for it and none find it, save Monty Python. Physicians and researchers have spent countless hours trying to discover the elusive cure for the number one reason of missed work in the U.S., migraines. They don’t know the cause, thus can’t find the cure; they can only stop or at least subside the symptoms for a while in between attacks. Migraine treatments are the only way you can relieve yourself from the pain and frustration a migraine can bring. There are many different migraine treatments; some cost a lot while others are relatively inexpensive. Some take a little of your time then others you just pop a pill.
Migraine Treatment Options
Here are some of the migraine treatment options available to migraine sufferers today:
- Prescription Medication – Triptans were first designed and made to help control blood pressure by constricting the blood vessels and slowing the pressing flow of life-giving blood. This is thought to help with the onset of migraines yet in turn causes a few more problems than the individual may want to endure. By constricting the blood flow, the sufferer can be at risk for stroke, heart attack and other blood related issues. Ergots are even worse as they constrict the blood vessel near and around the heart. BAD NEWS…yet you can play the risk and roll the dice…it’s your call.
- Massage Therapy – This migraine treatment can be very relaxing but do not think you can just get any massage to help eliminate migraine from your life. Swedish or deep-tissue massages have actually been known to cause more migraine symptoms to occur and may even intensify the already throbbing pain. The therapist is specially trained to focus not on the larger muscles but a smaller muscle group called the sub-occipital group which runs from the base of the skull down toward the bottom of the spine. By delicately releasing the pressure that is built up in these obscure muscles, the therapist can readily give the migraine sufferer instant relief from the ongoing pain they experience.
- Migraine Support Formula – This migraine treatment neither costs you a lot nor takes up your time with an appointment. However, this pill filled with a precise combination of natural herbs, vitamins and minerals can be taken on the go and many users proclaim of its wonder working power to stop migraine symptoms and nullify the migraine itself.
Tags: Acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments, Chronic migraine, Feverfew, Ginger, Massage Therapy, Migraine Support Formula, migraine treatment, Migraines, treating migraines
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