Migraines are not necessarily an exact science; actually, there are so many theories that medical professionals often contradict each other on the best treatment. However it is important to note that migraines are very different from headaches in general. A migraine is defined as a severe, pulsating headache, often associated with autonomic symptoms and typically unilateral (only affecting one of half of the head), usually lasting from four to seventy two hours.
Be Ye Warned
Migraines also tend to follow patterns and most individuals will notice certain warning signs or triggers that occur before the onset of the migraine attack. Warning signs of migraines may include but are not limited to fatigue, depression, obsessive yawning, food cravings (particularly those high in sugar or salt), mood changes, irritability, and drowsiness. The most common triggers tend to be sleep (or lack thereof), Hormones (especially in females), lighting, certain foods, caffeine, as well as stress. Every individual suffering from migraine attacks will have differing warning signs, triggers, and symptoms. This is why it is important to seek a proper migraine treatment.
Treatment Searched
If in fact a person might have risk factors towards migraines, it is important to note that there are many migraine treatment options ranging from therapeutic, supplemental, and of course the use of medications (both over the counter and prescription). A person seeking migraine treatment will most certainly need to meet with a physician in order to properly diagnose the underlying causes and discuss any forms of medical action needing to take place. However, it is also important that migraine sufferers are aware of alternative treatments such as biofeedback, stress management, acupuncture, chiropractic care, massage therapy, or herbal remedies. These forms of alternative care are used widely within the world of migraine treatment and have been proven very successful in both the prevention or in the very least the lessoning of symptoms of a migraine.
Vitamin B-2
Vitamin B2 is an excellent preventative migraine treatment because studies have shown that it can decrease both the frequency and severity of a migraine for some patients. Another benefit of vitamin B2 is that it’s safe to take while pregnant, and it does not cause toxicity. It can also be taken in supplemental form such as a capsule or tablet. If taken in supplemental form it is best to take vitamin B2 with food as it is more easily absorbed.
Tags: Caffeine, migraine attack, Migraine causes, migraine symptoms, migraine triffers, sleep, stress
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