Migraines affect millions of Americans each year and each year, people try to find relief and even a cure for this chronic, tormenting disease. Actually, migraines aren’t a disease but more of a syndrome, since you can’t die from them and you can live with them your entire life due to the fact that there is no cure. For example: there is no cure for cancer but you can die from it, therefore cancer would be considered a disease and not a syndrome. Issues like leprosy and scarlet fever are things you can die from but there is a cure so they are also considered to be a disease. Migraine headaches affect he nervous system and the vascular system in the body at the same time. Find your relief in a migraine treatment option; nothing else will work.
Not Very Well Known Could Be A Good Thing
The Migraine Support Formula is not very well known in the medical community nor is it promoted as well as prescribed. There unfortunately is more money to be made with prescription drugs like Triptans and Ergots. The Formula is a specific combination of all-natural vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements which work together in harmony to minimize the intensity and frequency of occurrence of the migraine attacks and symptoms. Here are a few of their ingredients:
• 5 – Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) – By adding more 5-HTP into one’s diet can raise help their serotonin levels in the brain while also increasing their endorphin levels helping aide in the overall improvement of their mood and disposition. It has been proven that those suffering with chronic migraines typically have low serotonin and low endorphin levels. The thought process is that low serotonin and endorphins levels make it extremely challenging to tolerate or endure pain.
• Vitamin B3 (Niacin) – One study done on the benefits of Vitamin B3 in relieving migraines revealed that 81% of people suffering from migraines found relief when treating their migraine with B3.
• Ginko Biloba – Ginko Biloba is a powerful antioxidant made popular by its ability to help improve blood circulation in both the body and the brain. This powerful antioxidant possesses flavonoids and terpenoids which have been tested to show that they help dilate blood vessels which in return surges blood flow. Ginko Biloba is possibly one of most well-known herbal remedies and can be used in the treatment of migraine headaches. The reason that Ginko Biloba makes for such a great treatment options is its ability to hinder platelet aggregation.
Tags: Feverfew, Ginger, Magnesium Citrate, natural migraine treatment, Niacin, Riboflavin, Valerian, Vitamin B2
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