No one stops to think that a migraine attack has nothing to do with head pain but everything to do with the body and the body’s neurological system. Migraine headaches by definition are a neurological concern. Why and how? Migraines are neurological in that they begin in the brain. How do they do this? Medical professionals are still uncertain as to why migraines develop though they have theories, nothing is definite. What they do know is that a migraine develops in the brain and causes the arteries in the brain to expand.
As a migraine develops the blood vessels in the brain begin to expand causing intense head pain and pressure. The expanding of the arteries can take up to three days to reach their full expansion thus leaving the migraine sufferer in agonizing pain. The pain associated with a migraine headache is so intense that a person becomes increasingly sensitive to light and sound which in return leaves them unable to function in an environment where light and noise are common occurrences. The increased sensitivity to light and sound makes it a challenge for one suffering from a migraine headache to function in their workplace effectively, when all they desire is a nice quiet dark place to lie down until the throbbing stops and sanity returns.
Treating The Migraine
Migraine treatment can be approached in two different methods the use of medications or the use of herbal supplements such as:
One reason why triptans have been so successful in relieving migraine pain is their innate ability to attach to serotonin receptors helping aid in reducing the triggers that cause migraine pain. We learned that though this might be helpful in relieving temporary migraine pain it is not a cure nor is it 100% safe. Ginger on the other hand is 100% natural, safe and has the ability to attach to human serotonin receptors to help reduce migraine triggers that cause migraine pain.
Ginger has also proven to help alleviate symptoms such as nausea and when combined with feverfew they are an effective tool against fighting off migraine symptoms.
Ginko Biloba
Ginko Biloba is a powerful antioxidant made popular by its ability to help improve blood circulation in both the body and the brain. Ginko Biloba is possibly one of most well-known herbal remedies and can be used in the treatment of migraine headaches. The reason that Ginko Biloba makes for such a great treatment options is its ability to hinder platelet aggregation. This powerful antioxidant possesses flavonoids and terpenoids which have been tested to show that they help dilate blood vessels which in return surges blood flow. After clinical studies were done on the use of Ginko Biloba as a treatment for migraines information was returned stating that migraine attacks were drastically reduced because of the use of Ginko Biloba.
Tags: herbal methods, migraine headaches, migraine treatment, Migraines, natural migraine treatment, neurological upset, prescription medications, vascular) headaches
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