Anyone who suffers from the debilitating, excruciating pain associated with migraine will be encouraged by any type of remedy or treatment to prevent or help diminish these terrible headaches. Of course, there are the regular routine medicines that provide some relief. However, many people want a natural or non-chemical treatment that shows success. Here are a few treatments that may promise that longed for relief.
A handheld magnetic device may be a way for migraine sufferers to rid the problem. According to researchers in the U.K., studies have been conducted using a Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Device (TMS) on about 60 migraine patients with much success. In fact, three months of treatment with this device has relieved or reduced headache pain in 73% of the patients tested. The TMS device is the size and weight of a portable radio. When the sufferer feels a migraine starting, they hold this device to the back of their head and push a button. This action causes the device to send a brief magnetic pulse to the brain. Apparently, this pulse short-circuits the electrical storm that builds up at the start of a migraine. Other symptoms were also affected by the pulse. In 63% of the trial patients, symptoms such as nausea, vertigo, high sensitivity to light and noise, and memory issues were helped. This device offers efficient relief for 48 hours and with no side-effects. What a great, non-invasive method of headache relief.
Another interesting treatment and one that makes good sense is the supplement of certain vitamins in the diet. Recent research has shown that women with migraine had a 14% reduction in severity of migraine when they consumed foods high in folic acid. This research builds on prior studies that linked B vitamins with better outcome of migraine headache. Patients were given a combination of folic acid, B6, and B12 supplements along with their food for six months. The results were:
• Homocysteine levels reduced by 40%
• Disability caused by migraine reduced by 50%
• Reduction on migraine pain and severity and frequency of attacks
While the B6 and B12 were great additives, the real player here was the folic acid, which is a synthetic form of folate. There are many foods that have supply a natural source of folate. Such foods as:
• Leafy greens like spinach, kale, broccoli, Asian greens, collard greens, and turnip greens
• Legumes like lentils, kidney beans, chick peas, navy beans, lima beans, and black beans
Just by eating a good, healthy diet, migraine headache may be helped.
There are some herbs that have been linked to helping with migraine. Feverfew is effective in preventing migraines but not in relieving them once they start. The ingredient in this herb prevents the blood vessels from dilating in the brain. Another preventive with good success is butterbur extract. Taken daily, this herb can reduce the number and severity of attacks. It is thought to have antispasmodic effects and anti-inflammatory properties. It should be taken at least for 2-3 months until the patient has a “migraine free” period. As with any herb, use caution and research the herb yourself to see if this is the right choice for you.
The therapeutic effects of water have always been a great avenue of treatment. We all know how a bath or shower just melts the tension and stress from the body. For migraines, water is used a little differently but with very good result. Contrast showers, alternating between water as hot as you can take it for two minutes and as cold as you can take it for two minutes has shown good results for many ailments when performed for at least 20 minutes. Another way is to put the feet in very cold water and at the same time use a hot wash cloth at the back of the neck. Both of these techniques increase blood flow and circulation.
We have all heard of acupuncture treatments as remedies of many conditions but acupressure points have helped with headache pain. Simply pinch the tissue between the thumb and forefinger to alleviate head pain. Another is to put the thumb in the mouth on the same side as the migraine pain, and up toward the cheek bone. Press that bone up and out. It may take several repetitions and the other side can be done as well.
Certain fragrances are beneficial to relief stress, pain, and anxiety. Peppermint and lavender are used most often but others like rosemary, sandalwood, basil, and eucalyptus and great stress relievers too.
These are just some of the methods to help with migraine headache. Unlike medicines, they are alternative techniques. Each has its benefit and risk. Whatever the choice may be, the end desire is to be able to live and function without the debilitating effects of migraine headache.
Tags: . The Migraine Support Formula, Coenzyme Q10, Magnesium Citrate, natural migraine treatment, Pyridoxine, Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, White Willow Bark Extract
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