Now there are headaches, and then there are migraine headaches. Any person who has ever experienced a true migraine headache, will straight up tell you that migraines are in an entirely different league. A regular headache arises when muscle contractions cause mild to moderate head pain that might come and go over time. While granted, though there are multiple different kinds of headaches, and they can vary from uncomfortable to downright miserable. A migraine headache on the other hand, consists of blood vessel contractions that can produce severe, agonizing, and quite often enervating pain. Migraine attacks are most times experienced as a type of virtually unbearable throbbing, pounding, and pulsating pain that can be accompanied by sensitivity to light, noise, and smells, along with a loss of appetite, upset stomach to the point of nausea or even vomiting; dizziness and blurred vision, among other varied symptoms.
Over-the-counter as well as prescription medicines in most cases may be temporary and provide a quick solution when a migraine attack comes on. However, as is the case with all medications, over-the-counter pain medications can have side effects, especially stomachaches in some patients. Furthermore, they may cause complications with prescription drug interactions. Worse yet, over-use of such medications can actually lead to more recurrent headaches, a phenomenon known as rebound headache.
When these over-the-counter medications are not helpful, the next plan of action is often the use of the more potent prescription medications. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, better known as NSAIDs, also including those available without a prescription, work by decreasing the inflammation of the cerebral blood vessels. For the reason that pills tend to be absorbed more slowly during migraine attacks, you will need to take these when you first suspect an onset of migraine or even use it in a faster acting form such as injections, nasal sprays, or suppositories.
In many cases, the success ratio for using drug treatments are very small and since many drugs are diuretics and can diminish fluids, a trip to a hospital emergency room for a shot and I.V. replenishment of potassium may possibly be needed. All things considered, most pharmaceutical drugs can only manipulate the body to temporarily relieve symptoms. In the majority of the cases, they do not solve the root of the issue and usually can be even more harmful to your health! Don’t subject your body to harmful drugs that don’t help to solve the problem!
Natural Alternatives
Migraine sufferers need a different treatment plan to migraine management, one that treats the origins of migraines and not merely the symptoms of them. Because of all this many have been choosing more natural remedies as an alternate management for their migraines. There are many different alternative methods that are of the more natural variety to use as a treatment plan for managing your migraines such as:
• Herbal Remedies
• Aromatherapy
• Acupuncture
• Massage
• Yoga
Herbal Remedies
Herbal remedies are a more cost effective and a chemical free substitute to traditional treatment; therefore many are tilting more towards these alternative methods for management of their migraines. Many have found that not only do herbal remedies often have fewer side effects than traditional medicines used for migraines but a lot of the herbal remedies seem to work better to control and better manage their symptoms. A few of these herbal remedies are listed below.
• Ginkgo biloba is used to increase blood circulation and can help in the treatment of migraines
• Ginger attaches to human serotonin receptors to reduce migraine triggers that cause migraine pain.
• Feverfew has the natural ability of blocking the release of blood vessel dilating substances from the platelets that create migraines.
Aromatherapy is also one of the natural therapies. It is an alternative therapy however many would call aromatherapy a complementary therapy, because it can be used in combination with other treatments. A few beneficial oils are listed below.
• Peppermint oil massaged into the temples greatly helps to relieve the pain of migraines. Peppermint oil is also helpful in relieving nausea often associated with migraines.
• Lavender oil and Peppermint oil work well together for migraines when muscular tension is present; mix and rub where the tension is most noticeable.
• For migraines caused by anxiety, as well to calm you, and to help you sleep: mix Chamomile oil for relaxation, with Neroli oil for a mind of clarity, then add Lavender essential oil and Marjoram oil to relieve stress then massage the forehead, temples and solar plexus, or you can even inhale. This can also be used to soak for at least fifteen minutes.
Tags: . The Migraine Support Formula, Coenzyme Q10, Magnesium Citrate, natural migraine treatment, Pyridoxine, Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, White Willow Bark Extract
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