Those who have been diagnosed with migraines are often exposed to several new treatment methods and techniques that he or she may not have heard of before. Migraines have no known cure so the only way one can find relief from their annoyances is to treat them aggressively. The pain associated with a migraine headache is so intense that a person becomes increasingly sensitive to light and sound which in return leaves them unable to function in an environment where light and noise are common occurrences. The increased sensitivity to light and sound makes it a challenge for one suffering from a migraine headache to function in their workplace effectively, when all they desire is a nice quiet dark place to lie down until the throbbing stops and sanity returns.
A persons need to escape to a dark and quiet place while being inflicted with a migraine headache could be due to the sympathetic nervous system in the body being activated. The desires, feelings that come naturally to humans as part of their natural way of dealing or coping with stress and pain is often associated with one’s sympathetic nervous system. Once the sympathetic nervous system has been activated, symptoms begin to develop that hinder one’s functionality at home and work.
Treatment options should be openly discussed between the patient and the medical professional in order to assure that the best treatment is had.
If used correctly, Triptans will reduce the amount of pain felt and increase in its effectiveness. Triptans should be administered when the early signs and symptoms of a migraine begin to be felt. Taking one after the pain has settled in will reduce the effectiveness and increase the chances for side effects as well as a migraine relapse.
Triptans have been useful in the treatment of migraine pain, however there are a few risks involved that those considering treating their migraines with triptans ought to be aware of. The most common side effects associated with triptans are but not limited to:
- Drowsiness
- Facial Reddening
- Fatigue
- Tightening In The Chest
- Tightening In The Throat
- Dizziness
The role Triptans play in releasing migraine pain is due to the affect triptans have on the restriction of blood vessels or the narrowing of them to prevent them from enlarging and creating migraine pain. Though narrowing is part of their job, it can also have a reverse effect by not only narrowing the arteries in the head but also create a narrowing of the arteries in the heart. This becomes increasingly dangerous for those individuals that have already experienced some form of coronary narrowing. The narrowing caused by the triptans could lead to further narrowing resulting in a heart attack or stroke.
Prophylactic Medication
The use of prophylactic medication can be somewhat helpful as well in reducing the reoccurrences of migraine headaches. Prophylactic medicine is taken daily as a preventative medication. Prophylactic medication is not effective when taken once a migraine has developed its job if to help reduce migraine frequency not the pain associated with migraines. A few examples of Prophylactic Medication are:
- Beta Blockers
- Calcium-channel Blockers
- TricyclicAntidepressants
- Antiserotonin Agents
- Anticonvulsants
Speak with your doctor about prophylactic medication and if whether or not he or she feels you would make a good candidate for prophylactic medication treatment.
Ergots are similar to triptans in that they too constrict blood vessels, the difference is that triptans tend to constrict blood vessels in the brain whereas ergots are known to restrict blood vessels more in the heart and other parts of the body making them not nearly as safe of a treatment as triptans. Ergots have been known to induce nausea, vomiting and contractions in the uterus that makes them very unsafe for pregnant women.
Trigger Sites
There is reason to believe that by the removing of muscles or nerves in certain areas that are considered trigger sites could be helpful in relieving migraines. Trigger sites are said to exist where sensory nerves are stimulated by a certain muscle, due to the stimulation caused by the muscle a series of painful symptoms begin to develop thus creating a migraine. Migraine surgery such as this one is not often considered as a migraine headache treatment plan unless no other form of migraine treatment is providing the needed relief to improve quality of life.
Tags: headaches, migraine attacks, migraine treatment, Migraines, side effects, symptoms, treating migraines, vascular headachce
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