One of the most disturbing pieces of news that an individual can every get is that they are diagnosed with a chronic condition which will change their life forever. Migraines are one of those conditions. Millions of Americans every year suffer from the migraine epidemic and most try to find relief but few find relief consistent enough to make life easier. Migraines make life hard because they have the distinct ability to incapacitate the individual for several hours if not three or more days. This is not a pretty picture and there is little hope as well because at this point in history, there is no cure for migraines. This is the main reason that migraines top the charts at one of the top five reasons for missing work in the U.S. for an illness. The only way to gain any relief is to utilize a migraine treatment options which can range from chiropractic adjustment to therapeutic massage to even prescription medication. Consult with your primary doctor to get some advice and help decide which migraine treatment is rightly suited for you.
Detailing Out The Massage Therapy Option
I do recommend that you consult and gain advice with you primary care physician in order to determine the best migraine treatment option for you. You migraine treatment plan will be your first and last defense against the onslaught and devastation that a migraine can do. It’s no wonder that migraine are the number one reason people called off of work sick; here a few of the symptoms of migraine headaches: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, indescribable pain, blurred vision and much more. This is why having a migraine treatment plan is so important. One of the migraine treatment options is therapeutic massage. When people think of massages, they envision a Swedish or deep-tissue massage which would normally bring great enjoyment and relaxation. However, for a migraine sufferer, it would totally be a mistake of ceasing the pain but it would create more of the already existent pain. The massage therapist will not focus on the large muscle groups that are targeted in deep-tissue massages but the small muscle group that runs from the base of the head to the bottom of the spine; these are the sub-occipital muscles. If massaged well and tension released, this migraine treatment can bring almost instant relief to the sufferer.
Tags: headaches, migraine attacks, migraine treatment, Migraines, side effects, symptoms, treating migraines, vascular headachce
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