Some people are not very sympathetic to those in need; sadly I am one of those people. I truly struggle to be kind to those who I feel should be tougher than they are. For example: my husband struggles with chronic migraines, he has since we got married ten years ago, when he is in the duration of a migraine he tends to (In my opinion) transform into a little baby still in need of his mommy. All of a sudden he walks around with a look of pure misery and death on his face proclaiming his weakened state of being.
For someone like me who has never experienced the torment of a migraine I struggle to muster up a sympathetic word of encouragement, however I have learned over the years as I have studied up on chronic migraines that though my husband may milk it for all its worth he has reason to be miserable. A migraine headache is caused by an enlargement of blood vessels that creates a series of chemicals to be released and attack arteries in the brain. Once the chemicals have been released to wreak their havoc, the enlarging of the arteries begins to send painful symptoms that only magnifies until the arteries have stopped expanding or migraine relief has been found.
Why The Body Reacts The Way It Does
The increased sensitivity to light and sound makes it a challenge for one suffering from a migraine headache to function in their workplace effectively, when all they desire is a nice quiet dark place to lie down until the throbbing stops and sanity returns. A persons need to escape to a dark and quiet place while being inflicted with a migraine headache could be due to the sympathetic nervous system in the body being activated. The desires, feelings that come naturally to humans as part of their natural way of dealing or coping with stress and pain is often associated with one’s sympathetic nervous system. Once the sympathetic nervous system has been activated, symptoms begin to develop that hinder one’s functionality at home and work. Though we as wives may feel as though our man should be able to “man up” during his migraine attacks the body reacts to a migraine outbreak on a physiological level that we can’t understand completely.
Tags: Caffeine, migraine attack, Migraine causes, migraine symptoms, migraine triffers, sleep, stress
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