Migraines many times brings with them a horrible connotative feeling and for good reason. They can practically cripple you and tear you away from most all of your obligations. If only you could crawl into a corner and hide from the world, then you might not feel so bad…yeah right! Not only do migraine headaches hinder you from your daily responsibilities, they also bring about so many horrendous symptoms most don’t even like to think about it; but before we can delve any further, we must first discourse about the causes and process of these vascular headaches.
What Is The Deal
Triggers are mainly the catalyzing source that spurs on the migraine headaches to fruition. They can be anything that the sufferer experiences from within their surroundings and are different from each individual. Here are some of the triggers that are known: bright lights, noises, certain foods like fish or chocolate, caffeine-enriched beverages, weather changes, smells such as body odor or some perfumes, hunger, fatigue, stress and even neck / back tension. There are still many truths unknown about migraine headaches but this we do know: they are cause by an environmental phenomenon called a trigger. Once a trigger is encountered, the body goes through some physiological changes, starting with the blood vessels in the head. These blood vessels begin to expand and enlarge causing a chemical to be released into the brain. The chemical released causes the immense pain associated with migraines by attacking the arteries in the brain. This onslaught does not stop until the blood vessels return back to their original position and size. It is for this reason I stated earlier that migraine are called vascular headaches, due the effects they have on the body’s vascular system.
A Good Choice
At this point, the outcome seems rather bleak, yet relief can be found through the use of a migraine treatment option. Each individual must choose the best option for them and since everyone is different, the best option might be as well per person. Please consult with you primary care physician as to which migraine treatment option is best for your health, thus providing positive results.
Tags: Chronic migraine, enlarged blood vessels, headache, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine relief, migraine treatment, migraine triggers, Migraines
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