Migraines are excruciating headaches. People who suffer from them often cannot function through the pain as it is so severe. The pain can affect one or both side of the head. The pain feels like it is pounding or throbbing. People often describe this as though the pain has a heartbeat. Migraines are often due to the expansion and constriction of the blood vessels which can be brought on by a number of different things. These causes are often referred to as migraine “triggers”. Narrowing down triggers can be quite difficult but as a growing number of people suffer these migraines it can be helpful to learn from their experience. One major issue to remember is that the fluctuation in hormones either brought on by food, menstrual cycles, or medications is usually to blame. Many foods that we consume contain additives or preservatives for longer shelf life or to protect the food from bacterial growth. These additives can cause hormonal changes by interrupting the neurotransmitters from operating properly throughout the body. So no matter what the trigger happens to be it can usually be related to some form of hormonal imbalance going on in the body. Female migraine sufferers outnumber men three to one. As mentioned above, these imbalances can come from foods, medications, or a normal menstrual cycle which is a good explanation as to why majority of migraine sufferers happen to be women.
A Quick Lesson On Neurotransmitters
Neurotransmitters are the communication service to the brain. They carry several different types of messages to the brain. Here you will find the names of the neurotransmitters and their functions.
• Serotonin- Is responsible for mood balance and emotional well being. Symptoms of low serotonin levels are anxiety, depression, PMS, and mood swings.
• GABA- Is ultimately for calming. Low levels of GABA can contribute to hyperactivity, ADD, ADHD, Obsessive compulsive disorder or OCD, and anxiety disorders.
• Glutamate- Is considered an excitatory neurotransmitter and in large amounts can cause excitotoxicity. Excitotoxicity is linked to stroke, autism, and mental retardation. The food additive MSG or monosodium glutamate is a major migraine trigger for some and this could be why; excitotoxicity due to glutamate overload.
• Endorphin- Has effects that reduce pain communication to the brain.
• Dopamine-Is associated with the brains ability to learn rewards systems. For instance, if a certain food or drink is consumed that makes a person feel good dopamine is released. The euphoria experienced from that reward is what makes dopamine addictive. That addictiveness varies from one person to another based on the dopamine released as a reaction to the reward.These are the more commonly known neurotransmitters but there are over 40 others that we know of and are being studied.
Neurotransmitters And Hormones
Neurotransmitters and hormones are very much alike. The major difference is their home base or where they are produced from. Hormones come from the endocrine system and neurotransmitters come from the nervous system. The nervous system works at a much faster rate than the endocrine system. While much focus is placed on trying to balance hormones to treat migraines little attention is placed on balancing neurotransmitters. If neurotransmitters travel faster this may be a better place to start and the hormonal balances can then follow.
Available Solutions To Bring Balance
Though neurotransmitter sounds like a big fancy word you should not be intimidated by it. These little messengers can be brought into check just like hormones can. That is with proper nutrition, exercise and supplementation. Here are some ways that offer balance:
• 5HTP (also known as 5 Hydroxytryptophan)-Can be found in herbal supplement form or naturally in certain foods. Turkey is probably best known for this as it causes that “sleepy feeling” after eating it. Other foods that have tryptophan are beef, cheese, broccoli, and milk. 5HTP is a serotonin booster. If you feel you lack serotonin regularly then supplementing may be the way to go.
• Tyrosine can be found in supplement form and helps the production of dopamine which can help fight depression. Foods that naturally contain tyrosine are almonds, bananas, and avocados.
• GABA should be supplemented if you feel you suffer from hyperactivity or racing thoughts. GABA allows us to feel calm without feeling sleepy. You can incorporate almonds, lentils, brown rice and whole grains to help production of GABA.
For those suffering from migraines the pain is often disabling and answers are a must have. They are often encouraged to keep a food journal to identify triggers. Paying close attention to the symptoms of these neurotransmitter deficiencies will hopefully shed further light into the mystery of migraines and help identify their causes. Making migraines a thing of the past is possible.
Tags: Acupuncture, Alternative treatment, chiropractic care, fibromyalgia, fibromyalgia treatment, herbal supplemetns, therapy
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