If you are one who has migraine headaches now and again, you probably have questioned whether someone in your family also has or has had them during their lifetime. It is nothing new to realize that a condition like migraines could be passed down from one generation to another. Now, science has found evidence that this debilitating condition definitely has a genetic component. Recently, a world-wide collaboration of researchers has discovered the first-ever genetic risk factor related to common types of migraine headache. These scientists looked at the genetic data of over 50,000 people and came up with new insights into the triggers that cause migraines. They hope their research will bring about new medications that will prevent these headaches.
The team discovered a DNA variant that regulates levels of glutamate in the body. Glutamate is a neurotransmitter that transports messages between nerve cells in the brain. The results of their research suggest that an accumulation of glutamate in the junctions of the nerve cells may be associated with the onset of a migraine headache. Prevention of the glutamate build-up may provide new treatments for migraine sufferers. The research results constitute the first genetic association to migraines. Of course, many doctors suspected that migraines could have genetic associations but now the research seems to confirm it. However, the subjects involved were all acquired through headache clinics. There needs to be more studies done with this topic using the general population.
Furthermore, this research has brought to light only one of many possible variants that cause migraines. Research is needed to study patients that suffer from various kinds of migraines to see if other variants are present. For example, the variant that has been discovered seems to be more prevalent in those who have Migraine with aura than those who have Migraine without aura.
Although much still needs to be studied, this revelation has opened the doors for the medical world to study, in depth, the biology of this disease and what the effects could be of altering this one variant for prevention of common Migraine.
Tags: aura, headache, migraine stages, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, postdrome, prodrome
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