Migraines are one of those conditions that not only has no cure but it also has the propensity toward lingering and lasting a longer time with the sufferer causing more agony and pain than they have ever experienced. Years upon years, medical professionals have searched for the cure and even the precise cause of migraines but to no avail. Therefore, all the sufferer is left with is masking the symptoms with migraine treatments that attempt to minimize the pain and discomfort. These treatment options are very useful if taken on a regular basis; however if you are not as consistent as you should be, then you will find yourself not relieving the condition as frequent as you would like to. So be frequent with your treatment and take the right treatment option as there are many out there. The most common treatment that most people adhere to is prescription medication. Though easy to get and take, meds might not be the safest form of migraine treatment available. There are also holistic treatment options like chiropractic adjustment, massage therapy and acupuncture. There are also supplemental therapies which have been proven to be both safe and effective in minimizing the frequency and intensity of your migraine episodes.
When A Migraine Affects You
When a migraine begins, it causes a physiological and chemical imbalance in the body and the brain. The chemical changes that occur in the brain are a direct result of migraine causing the blood vessels in the brain to enlarge or expand. The enlarging of the blood vessels in the brain cause the brutal throbbing and pulsating sensations to take place as a result, but to complicate things further the brain begins release a harmful chemical into the brain that messes with the brains chemical balance. The released chemical beelines straight to the brains arteries and causes war to breakout and the unleashing of several weakening and despondent symptoms. Here are some of the differences between a headache and an intense migraine.
- An episode of irritability might occur with a headache but typically resides after some over the counter medicine has been taken, sadly those suffering with a migraine do not bounce back as quickly.
- Headaches feel more like a pulsing feeling inside your head; migraines on the other hand tend to be felt only on one side of the head.
- A headache attacks quickly and with no warning where as a migraine, we learned, has preemptive warning signs.
- Feelings of nausea, dizziness, sensitivity to light and sound are all characters of a migraine and will not be present with a headache.
- Migraines can last up to three days headaches a few hours.
- A headache though bothersome does not typically result in a loss of productivity and the inability to function.
Various Types Of Treatments
Treatment is the only way a migraine sufferer can gain any relief and the relief that is had is only dependent on the regularity of the taking of the treatment. Meaning: if you slack on taking your prescription, then migraine will come back quicker and with more intensity. Treatment will not always guarantee you success at eliminating the migraine from your life but it will minimize the symptoms effectiveness. Most doctors will prescribe a migraine treatment in the form of a drug like a Triptan or Ergot. But these meds contain with them side effects that can be harmful to you and even deadly in some cases. Therefore, caution must be paid in order for you to receive the best treatment with the safest track record. Below are a number a natural option to prescription drugs:
- Acupuncture
- Biofeedback
- Chiropractic
- Massage
Supplemental Therapies Explained
The Migraine Support Formula is a natural formula thus making it a safe supplement that can be taken every day to help with the prevention of migraine headaches with no adverse side effects that are commonly associated with other migraine treatments such as prescription medication. This formula contains only the natural ingredients that have shown through clinical studies to be the most effective in treating migraine symptoms. The natural ingredients found in the Migraine support Formula are:
- Butterbur
- Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
- Magnesium Citrate
- 5 – Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP)
- Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
- Gingko Biloba
- Feverfew
- Coenzyme Q10
- White Willow Bark
- Ginger
- Valerian
- Water-soluble Riboflavin
Tags: headaches, migraine attacks, migraine treatment, Migraines, side effects, symptoms, treating migraines, vascular headachce
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