Migraine headaches are typically unilateral which means it affects one half of the head. Migraines are pulsating in nature. Migraines are a long-lasting condition for most and can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days in the most severe cases. Migraine symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, photophobia which is increased sensitivity to light, as well as phonophobia which is increased sensitivity to sound. With migraines the symptoms are generally aggravated by every day routine activity. Just about one-third of those who suffer from migraine headaches will notice an aura, before the actual migraine. An aura is consistent of transient visual, sensory, language, or motor disorders signaling the migraine will occur soon.
Many scientists believe that migraine headaches occur because of a disorder in the central nervous system. It is a condition that affects millions of people a year. Unfortunately there is still not a known cure for migraines although prescription medicines and over-the-counter migraine treatments as well as many alternative methods offer much relief from pain and other symptoms.
There are many things that have been reported as a cause or trigger for migraines. Causes and triggers for migraines can be ordinary or just as unique as the individual experiencing the migraine attack. Here is a list of a few of the most common things that initiate migraines. One of the triggers of a migraine attack is changes in weather or in barometric pressure; this is a very common trigger and regrettably, one that can’t really be avoided. Another common cause is bright or flickering lights. Migraine attacks can also be activated by caffeine withdrawal, the changes in hormonal levels during a woman’s menstrual cycle as well as can occur with the use of birth control pills.
Additional triggers or causes:
• Changes in sleep patterns or lack of sleep, even too much sleep
• Missing meals, irregular meal schedules, or unhealthy eating
• Stress and anxiety, as well as added physical stress
• Certain odors or perfumes
• Certain foods such as any type of processed, fermented, pickled, or marinated foods, in addition to foods that contain monosodium glutamate; also known as MSG
This contains a few of many that can trigger a migraine; however this might not include all triggers for migraine.
Tags: Caffeine, migraine attack, Migraine causes, migraine symptoms, migraine triffers, sleep, stress
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