Millions upon millions endure the trials that migraine headaches cause. Migraines are a mutual condition plaguing over 13 % of the population in North America alone. Migraines are the result of mental stress, physical tension, food allergies and can also be a symptom of illness. A few of these symptoms include pain, light and sound sensitivity as well as nausea. Migraines are a chronic condition for many and can last from a few hours to a few days in the most severe cases. Unfortunately there is not a known cure for migraines although prescription medications and over-the-counter migraine treatments offer much relief from pain and other symptoms.
What Activates Migraines And How To Avoid Them:
What causes a Migraine for one person may not trigger one in another. Here are a few of the most common things that initiate migraines. One cause of migraines is changes in weather or in barometric pressure this is a very common trigger and unfortunately, one that can’t really be avoided. Another cause is bright or flickering lights. Bright light; flickering light, such as fluorescent lighting, strobe lighting, older computer monitors that have a flicker rate, sun flickering through trees along the road, all of these can be Migraine activators for some. Sunglasses can help with this common trigger as well as wearing a sun visor or cap to help with the light coming in over the top of the glasses. Sleep issues is also a major concern for many migraine sufferers. Too much sleep, too little sleep, interrupted sleep, inconsistent or erratic sleep schedules, and poor quality sleep can all be very strong initiators for migraine headaches. Waking with a Migraine is often a sign that a sleep issue is the cause. Lastly, Dehydration is a common overlooked source of migraines. Some can be more susceptible to dehydration than others, and it’s something we often overlook as a potential reason for migraines. Both alcohol and caffeine can be dehydrating, so we need to be careful to consume enough liquids that don’t contain them; water is always a good source of hydration.
Tags: blurred vision, Chronic migraine, constipation, headache, migraine attack, migraine headahces, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, nausea, vomiting
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