Did you know that there are different types of migraine headaches? According to various studies there are approximately 8 varieties of migraines. Some are quite common and others are not widely known.
Migraines initially are classified as a neurological disorder that is characterized by intense pain in the head coupled with nausea, vomiting, and acute sensitivity to sound and light. More women get migraines than men and millions worldwide suffer from it. There is no cure for it, although it is treatable. The exact causes of migraines are not known and only speculative because people are so different and what may bring on a migraine in one person might not bring it on in another.
The common migraine is the headache most people are knowledgeable about. It produces the pain with the added symptoms of nausea, vomiting and sensory sensitivity.
The basilar migraine is one with an aura. The aura is characterized by wavy or squiggly lines, blurred or double vision, blind spots and colors. The aura disappears usually after 30 minutes and with the onset of the headache pain. This migraine mimics a stroke and if the patient has a history of migraines, the process of diagnosing the migraine would then be much easier.
Ophthalmoplegic migraine is not so common and considered a most unusual form of migraine. The pain is located around the eyeball and generally lasts from a few days to a few months.
Menopausal migraines are common and could occur slightly before or after as well as during menopause. Hormone changes have long been thought to cause these migraines. Even in young women just starting their period, studies have shown migraine activity due to hormonal imbalance or fluctuations. Hormone replacement therapy and birth control pills is suspect in the causes of migraines and should be monitored by your doctor. The stress of pregnancy also brings on migraines that are hormonal in nature but in about 80% of pregnant women show a decrease or absence of migraines once hormones become stabilized.
Nocturnal migraines are those experienced during sleep and often wake up the patient. In some cases the person has a really hard time to get back to sleep.
Hemiplegic migraines are rarer than most and cause temporary disturbances in the motor and / or sensory part of the brain. It manifests itself by a temporary paralysis on one side of the body and followed immediately by the headache. This type usually shows a family history of migraines.
These are just a few of the types of migraines. Research is still being continued on migraines and hopefully will shed more light on what causes them and hopefully what can cure them.
Tags: hormone change, Menopause. women and migraines, migraine attack, migraine headache, migraine trigger, Migraines, Weather
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