Those who have the chronic condition of migraine headaches have to stop and think about all of the triggers and the stages that they must go through in order to be prepared for the fight ahead. Triggers have the ability to sneak up on you and minimize your effectiveness in stopping the migraine from entering your life. One could be trigger by eating certain food or smelling uncomfortable smells like body odor or cheap perfume. And chances are that when you encounter a trigger for your migraine condition, you will begin the migraine chain reaction and all of the symptoms that go with it will hit you like a ton of bricks. So do some journaling and learn more about your current triggers and how the migraine affects you; this could mean the difference between relief and relapse.
Look Closely To The Differences
Though both a headache and a migraine have some similarities, there are a few distinct characteristics of a headache that makes it different from a migraine. Pay close attention to the next few points as they should explain in more detail what a headache versus a migraine looks like.
« A headache attacks quickly and with no warning where as a migraine we learned has preemptive warning signs.
« Migraines can last up to three days headaches a few hours.
« A headache though bothersome does not typically result in a loss of productivity and the inability to function.
« Headaches feel more like a pulsing feeling inside your head; migraines on the other hand tend to be felt only on one side of the head.
« Some level of irritability might occur with a headache but typically subsides after some over the counter medicine has been taken, sadly those suffering with a migraine do not bounce back as quickly.
« Feelings of nausea, dizziness, sensitivity to light and sound are all characters of a migraine and will not be present with a headache.
Magnesium Citrate
Research has shown that those who suffer from frequent migraine attacks typically have lower Magnesium levels. One can increase their intracellular magnesium level by taking an oral magnesium supplement. In its natural state, Magnesium Citrate works as a great reliever of constipation. Tests have shown that added magnesium citrate used effectively in combination with riboflavin can have a positive effect on migraine pain. However, if magnesium citrate is taken in a dosage higher than 300mg, side effects, such as diarrhea or gastrointestinal irritation, might be a probable annoyance. This magnesium citrate is one of the special ingredients that make the Migraine Support Formula one of the best migraine treatment options around.
Tags: constipation, Depression, emotional stress, Fatigue, migraine triggers, Migraines, natural migraine treatment, strange food cravings, triggers
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