The cause of migraine headaches is quite possibly one of life’s best kept secrets. With all the advancements in modern medicine and modern technology, scientists, researchers and medical professionals have yet to be able to determine the underlying cause of a migraine headache. A migraine, when compared to conditions such as cancer, Parkinson’s disease or Multiple Scoliosis, seems futile and insignificant and should be a simple condition to cure.
It is true that in light of much more devastating conditions there should be more information surrounding the topic or at least unearthed, but that is not the case. Some odd twenty millions people suffer from chronic migraines making the condition of chronic migraines gain a bit more notice from research teams and medical professionals. In the attempt to uncover some of the mystery that surrounds migraine and migraine causes, research was done on possible causes of migraines, risk factors and possible migraine triggers.
The information complied finally gave medical professionals a better understanding of migraines and how to better treat migraine patients. It seems as though there are several environmental and physiological things that can create the atmosphere or provide the setting for a migraine headache to occur. These things or factors are called “migraine triggers”. Learning the various migraine triggers and which ones effect you personally can give insight and understanding on how your body responds to certain triggers and help you better plan and prepare for the onset of a migraine. Migraine triggers are unable to be avoided thus making it important that triggers are known so that the future migraine sufferer has time to plan and prepare for the impending migraine.
Below you will find a list of migraine triggers; it is important that a journal is kept and details written down involving the date, times, weather conditions and environmental influences be noted.
- Stress
- Hormones – women during their monthly cycle often undergo a migraine due ot the fluctuation of hormones.
- Weather – rain, humidity etc.
- Foods
- Aged Cheese
- Chocolate
- Alcohol
- Odors
- Perfume
- Body Odor
- Cigarette Smoke
Once you have become aware of your personal migraine triggers, it is imperative that you take your information to your medical professional and seek migraine treatment.
Tags: Acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments, Feverfew, Gingko Biloba, headache, migraine, Migraine Medication, migraine relief, migraine triggers, treating migraines
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