Migraines can be one of the most frustrating diseases that someone would have to live with for the rest of their life. You see, when it comes to migraines, there is no cure nor is there a sure fire way of fixing the symptoms so that they don’t hurt you all of the time. And with millions of Americans suffering from this incurable condition, it is no wonder that migraines are at the top of the list for reason people miss work due to an illness. So how can you gain relief from these migraine symptoms without compromising the rest of your health with unsafe treatments? The solution is using natural, more holistic methods of migraine treatment. Now there are a number of natural treatments that will not only quell the majority of the migraine symptoms but they will also aid in relieving other bodily issues as well. Acupuncture, Therapeutic Massage with Essential Oils and even Herbal Remedies are all ways to help curb the migraine epidemic while staying safe through natural means.
What Is A Migraine Anyway
A migraine is defined as a severe, pulsating headache, often associated with autonomic symptoms and typically unilateral (only affecting one of half of the head), usually lasting from four to seventy two hours. Symptoms can include blurred vision, dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, vomiting, as well as sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine attacks can interrupt a person in their tracks and literally put a stop to daily life and its plans, employment, or time spent with their family and friends. There a multitudes of prescription medications available, and while sometimes these medications are most certainly necessary, for those seeking a migraine treatment that is both a safer and healthier alternative there are natural and holistic options that exist.
Consult Before You Leap
I do recommend that you consult and gain advice with you primary care physician in order to determine the best migraine treatment option for you. You migraine treatment plan will be your first and last defense against the onslaught and devastation that a migraine can do. It’s no wonder that migraine are the number one reason people called off of work sick; here a few of the symptoms of migraine headaches: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, indescribable pain, blurred vision and much more. This is why having a migraine treatment plan is so important. One of the migraine treatment options is therapeutic massage. When people think of massages, they envision a Swedish or deep-tissue massage which would normally bring great enjoyment and relaxation. However, for a migraine sufferer, it would totally miss the mark of stopping the pain but it would intensify the already existent pain. The massage therapist will not focus on the large muscle groups that are targeted in deep-tissue massages but the small muscle group that runs from the base of the head to the bottom of the spine; these are the sub-occipital muscles. If massaged well and tension released, this migraine treatment can bring almost instant relief to the sufferer.
Great Options To Look At
This migraine treatment plan must your last stand in the fight against migraines. Even in knowing that prescription meds are the chief choice of most practitioners, discuss the options with your primary care physician to see which migraine treatment best works for you. Here are a couple of the migraine treatment options, other than Massage, available:
i. Acupuncture – We have come a long way from stone needles used before recorded history to the sophisticated needles we use today. Yet, the same result is achieved. Using these needles placed along certain parts of the body, the Chinese have proven a successful method to removing pain i.e. migraines from one’s life.
ii. Migraine Support Formula – Natural resources are what comprise this unique formula: Ginger, Vitamin B2, White Willow Bark Extract, Feverfew – just to name a few. The Migraine Support Formula has been proven to work the most effectively with the least number of side effects in minimizing migraine frequency and intensity.
iii. Chiropractic – Chiropractic care or spinal manipulation has been a proven method for patients seeking an alternative for migraine treatment. Studies have shown that in both tension and migraine headaches, chiropractic care can be as effective as preventative medications in preventing the onset of migraines. Once a migraine has begun, chiropractic therapy can also greatly reduce the painful symptoms if the patient is treated in a timely manner.
Tags: Acetaminophen (a.k.a. Tylenol), migraine pain, migraine relief, natural migraine treatment, Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), over the counter medication, treating migraines
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