Have you ever noticed the tug-of-war that seems to come into play when choosing a migraine treatment option? At the first sign of a headache, products, remedies and treatments are thrown into your face by anyone and everyone. Intentions are usually honorable and the goal is to help you the migraine sufferer find migraine relief, however pushy family members can be somewhat of a turn off. Chronic migraine headaches are debilitating concern that can leave an individual lifeless for several days, therefore when contemplating a migraine treatment –only effective treatments are wanted.
Is it possible to have an effective migraine treatment? Yes! There is the possibility of discovering a migraine treatment that is effective and will help reduce migraine frequencies as well as the migraines duration. The most common medications used in the treatment of migraines would be prescriptions such as Triptans and Ergots two medications that are effective due to their ability to constrict or narrow the blood vessels. By constricting blood vessels, they are unable to expand, release harmful chemicals that attack the brains arteries thus bringing about a migraine headache. The problem with this type of migraine treatment is the complications that can arise with the constricting or narrowing of the blood vessels.
Triptans And Ergots
In order for a migraine to develop, there must an enlarging of the blood vessels in the brain, without the chemicals being released into the brain to create havoc on the brains arteries than no head pain will come. So, the thought was that if there was a medication that narrowed the blood vessels limiting the amount of blood that went through then they can help lessen the chances of a migraine. This thought process may sound reasonable however it is not fool proof, safe or even a guarantee of fewer migraines. The issue has become that the blood vessels in the brain were not the only vital vessels being narrowed from this medication. Reports have shown that the use of medications such as Triptans and Ergots has led to constriction of the blood vessels leading to the heart and other vital organs.
I would say not.
Tags: enlarged blood vessels, Ergots, headache, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine relief, migraine risk factors, migraine treatment, Migraines, Prescription medication, symptoms, Throbbing, Triptans
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