Migraines are debilitating conditions that can leave a migraine patient immobilized for several days. Migraines are often triggered by environmental or physiological factors such as weather, hormones, alcohol, stress, sleep, odors and foods. Migraine triggers spur on a chemical reaction in the brain that creates a spiraling affect. Blood vessels in the brain begin to enlarge and release harmful chemicals into the brain to attack the brains arteries. As the brain arteries are attacked, the body begins to experience painful migraine symptoms.
Symptoms associated with migraines are the leading cause for missed work and a lack of productivity at home. Migraine symptoms force a person into hiding until the migraine has passed; this process could take up to seventy two hours. From the preemptive warning signs until the final few hours, migraine symptoms are constantly intensifying until the migraine sufferer has no other choice but to surrender to its painful grasp. A migraine headache spirals through four different stages and during each stage the symptoms only worsen.
Symptoms of a migraine may differ between migraine patients; however most of the symptoms are pretty common and often felt. Symptoms would include:
- Nausea
- Sensitivity to light
- Sensitivity to noise
- Blurred vision
- Black spots behind the eyes
- Head pain – felt on one side of the head typically described as being felt right above the eye. Head pain is described as a pounding or throbbing feeling.
- Vomiting – head pain can lead to induced vomiting
- Pallor – a loss of coloring, paleness
- Cognitive Confusion
- Constipation
Migraine symptoms will not go away by the simple use of over the counter medicine; migraine treatment has to be more involved and much stronger than Advil or Motrin.
There is no cure for migraine headaches; therefore the only form of migraine treatment is through preventative treatment. Preventative treatment plans can be approach through medications such as triptans or through herbal supplements such as Ginger, Magnesium, White Willow Bark, Feverfew and or vitamin B. Migraine symptoms will not go away on their own; therefore, something has to be done to insure that migraine relief can be had and a decrease is migraine frequencies as well.
Tags: Chronic migraine, enlarged blood vessels, Ginger, headache, Magnesium, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headache, migraine relief, migraine treatment, treating migraines
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